Raped in Dallas

I was mentally raped I tell you!
I was taken in, brought down
lifted up and slammed..
all at once.
I heard words of truth,
some of lies,
and dammit I tell you,
I heard it all from Titties...
to Skid Marks of Love.
How tha' hell can you top that?
I was taken on a mental rollercoaster,
of vinyl and cold word,
whisked off in to the dim club roar,
and mentaly raped
in a dark boothe,
next to club soda and lime.
I sit here on my Fiday night,
thinking , wishing....
I were in Texas being mentally
raped.. repeatedly... again.
'til my mind could take no more...
I wanna writhe in the spoken word,
and be tossed into the mix with
the Gourmet Poet.
I wanna scream with Amy and
stand next to Victory and yell..
'yeah me too, goddammit!
I wanna see the Mesiah again and
Smoke some tears with the Man
of Men.
I wanna cum in my jeans again
raped by a black mans words,
and YELL from the top of my lungs!
I wanna get stoned and love the
words of teachers.
And my God, Never, Ever,
get caught Driving While
I just wanna be there where
the inspirations flow from
one to the other.
I felt the flow of words
and the angst of life
and this...
I will never forget!

~~Shell 10/01~~
