Riddled Truth

I wanted to write tonight...

Of sadness,

Of woe,

Of broken dreams

And most of all..

Selfish wishes,

I listened to my heart while

The rain poured from my roof,

Slapping the concrete outside in a harsh,

Eroding manner, like my life,

And through all of the pain raining down

On the inner side of ones self,

I am somewhere I so long

To be.

I was there,

In conversations red and electric blue lights,

Muted tunes created the backdrop for

Sweet smoke curling about ones head,

Hearts were bared as true feelings were

Intentionally hidden.

Time stood still while passions flame

Was extinguished purposely.

The bond had to remain silent,

And somewhere, repair is imminent,

...I hope.

But friends must remain,


And your music...

Is MY testament in your world,

The never-ending truth of exclusion,

That I could have existed once,

In your eyes, heart and spirit.

The depths have been viewed through

The eyes of the beholders,

Only to shallowly look, on occasion now,

Resistant, as not to fall in too deep,

Into ones Soul of Liquid Blue.

I am thankful for the swim in your ocean,

The walk in your forest, your Life,

And for your fields of gold...unshared.

I do Believe.. Fully.

Although the taste of the obvious is at hand,

And patiently waits to be savored,

She silently perseveres the chance

To unwind inside you.

CMThorpe 06/29/03
