River's Song

I listened to the river today.
she whispered to me in low tones,
I heard the words in my ears
as the wind quickly took them from me,
she sang..

Sun warmed and sparkled
the rushing water rejoiced
in my favor.
Dancing her way through the
rapids.. the ambiance of time
passed her banks long ago.

Yet she carrys on..
taking with her my moment in time..
lapsed, yet unencumbered.
Delicate ripples swirl her
mirrored surface,
Sending reflections into a
smeared image gloss.
Only to straighten out in
the flow beyond the rough.

I breathe in the musty odors,
Much like an old closet-
hiding secrets unfound in some old
suitcase waiting for discovery.
To tell her stories to those
who care to listen..

I listened for the song today
again in my real world.
Turning back time in my mind
to the moment of complacency,
where I resided for only a second.

Because life lets these things
slip by so easily...

