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Hi I am Sherrie Davis and have written these poems for your enjoyment.
I hope they have brought you as much pleasure as they have to me.
Following is the second part of the story of Love Eternal Look for part three to be posted sometime in 2003.
I authored and built this website with the help of a few special friends. Jean King started me off with the first three pages and Kimberly Miller helped me work out HTML bugs.
I hope you enjoy the story I have presented in poetry. I would ask however, not to borrow any material presented here. These are my original works and are under copyright protection.
It is important to follow the story by reading each page in order as they appear on my home page
I have been writing poetry for more than twenty years. I am a graduate of Marycrest College, Davenport Iowa, with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism and English Lit.
More sites are coming, including the continuing story of The Faerie King and His Spell, followed by works in romance and today’s events and societies pain.
Again, enjoy what I have, at the end please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think.


Sherrie Davis 11/11/2001