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All's lost, as the boat is tossed,

and the waves are topsy-turvy,

Well the crew don't care for the mal-de-mer,

and the Mate's just died of the scurvy.

Now gather round, you young Jack Tars,

and listen to my story,

For I once sailed under Captain Hook,

in the days of death and glory.


Each word is true as I was born,

don't dare to be a mocker,

Don't cast a doubt, or you'll find out

in Davy Jones's Locker !


We sailed due East, we sailed due West,

we robbed each ship beside us,

And every villain left alive

became as rich as Midas.


Now Captain Hook was mean and hard,

and HE made known his rank, sir,

Why ! He was afraid of no sea-dog,

he made them walk the Plank, sir !


Said he, "I'll flog every Mother's son

with the good old 'Cat-o'-nine-tails',

So just watch out, when I'm about

When this stout boat of mine sails"!


Then, "Splice the main-brace!", Hook would cry,

and through the foam we'd race,

Then Hook would drink, and the ship near' sink;

there was fear on every face:


For, All's lost, as the boat is tossed,

and the waves are topsy-turvy,

Well the crew don't care for the mal-de-mer,

and the Mate's just died of the scurvy.



Shirley Frances Winskill 1985