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The Song Of Sudbury


A Museum of Childhood, I'm proud to be called,

The tales I could tell would hold you enthralled.

For instance, did YOU know that RICH girls and boys

Were brought up by Nanny, who locked up their toys.


They were brought to Papa and Mama, twice a day,

Then were hastened upstairs to their Nursery to play.

And also, I wonder if you have been told,

That Rich boys wore DRESSES 'til they were quite old.


But then there's the tales of the POOR little mites,

Whose lives were just toil, 'twixt hunger and frights.

Some worked down the Coal-mines, so dim and so dark,

And I can assure you that this was no lark.


They had to pull wagons, with chains on their backs,

And, sadly, they sometimes collapsed on the tracks;

But if you escaped the Mine Owner's employ

You could always become, 'A Chimney-sweep's Boy'.


If you peered up the chimney, then said, "I daren't go",

They stuck pins in your feet, or dealt you a blow,

And then, if you still wouldn't climb any higher

Your Master resorted to lighting a fire.


Yes, I've many a tale that will hold you spellbound,

So walk through my portals, and gaze all around.

When you've sat at the desks in the Schoolroom you see

You'll think that YOUR classroom's the best place to be.


Oh, I've lots more to tell, Why! you may have a treat,

But that will depend upon you when we meet,

If you're decent, well-mannered, and good girls and boys,

You might play in my room of unusual toys !



Shirley Frances Winskill 1985