DISCLAIMER: This story is meant to be a JOKE. We mean no harm. We love Simple Plan and would never want to be mean to them. We just thought it'd be funny to make the super heroes who fought with Care Bears as their sidekicks. Enjoy the story!

Episode 2: Simple Squad V. The Punk Poser aka Ashlee Simspon

One day while the members of the Simple Squad were haning out in their secret hideout, when Jeff spoke up, dropping his Guitar magazine.

"This is fucking boring. Can't we get some fucking excitment?" Jeff asked.
"Why not go to the gay bar? You like it those." David laughed.
"I am not gay damnit! Stop saying I am!" He pouted.
"Sure you're not. You really should change the color of your suit. People are saying you're gay." Pierre said.
"I am gay! How many times do I have to say it?!" He asked.
"It's not our fault you act gay." Chuck said as he sewed a pink patch to his pink pants.
"Fuck you all." Jeff hissed.
"Wah wah wah." David laughed.
"I'm gonna kick your skinny little ass!" Jeff shouted.
"Oh no! He's gonna try to blind me with his head!" He laughed as he ran around the room.
"Will you two stop acting like children?! I'm trying to sleep!!" Seb hissed.
"Oh well!" David cackled as he ran around the room.
"Ignore him. He had too much Red Bull." Pierre said.

All of sudden their Care Bear Cousin sidekicks magicly apeared in the room, making Chuck scream loudly.

"Oh my god! Pinky! You came back!!!!" He said as he picked up the elephant and hugged it, making it omit the bad noise again.
"Chuck leave the damn thing alone! You're gonna fucking kill it." Pierre said, taking the elephant from his friend.
"It's mine! I want it back! It's pink and it's mine! Give it to me now!" Chuck pouted.
"No, not until you can stop hugging it so hard it might die." Seb said as he gave the elephant some air.
"But it's mine!" He said, looking like he was about to cry.
"Heehee." David giggled as he hung upside down with the monkey.
"David what the hell are you doing?!" Jeff asked.
"I dunno why?" He asked.
"Just asking." Jeff laughed as David fell to the floor.
"Ow!" He pouted.
"Ok stop pouting! We are super heros! We do not pout!" Pierre said looking around the room.
"Is anyone hungry?" Pat asked as he walked in, carrying a tray of food. It was gone within a second.
"Thank you very much sir." The blue dog said as he munched on a sandwhich.
"Now why can't you assholes be like the dog?" Pat asked.
"Because we've never been stuck in group therapy." Seb said as he ate.

All of a sudden the alarm sounded and the guys ran to get changed. Once they were changed they met in the hidden cave.

"Where'd we get a cave from?" Seb asked as he looked around.
"I dunno. It's just here. It's kinda cool. It's kinda like Batman's lair you know." Pierre smiled as he began to type on the huge keyboard.
"Are we sure this isn't his?" Jeff asked as he looked around. Chuck was slowly inching closer to Lots-a-heart.
"No!" She cried as she ran near David.
"What the heck?" He asked as he looked down.
"She's scared of Chuck." Jeff laughed.
"Ok I think what this thing is telling us is that we have to go find that little bitch Ashlee Simpson. She's causing a riot downtown with her brand of poser punk music." Seb said after he shoved Pierre outta the way.
"Ewwww I had to go on a date with her! She's a slut!" David said as Playful Heart jumped on his shoulder.
"That's not a nice word." Cozy Heart said as she stood near Seb.
"I don't watch my mouth for fans, what makes you think I'll watch it for a talking bird?" David asked.

Soon they left the cave and went to hunt down Ashlee. No one really knew what to look for aside from an angry mob that looked like it would kill anyone who stood in the way. The Care Bear Cousins had gone ahead to try and find out where they had to be. David had put a Care Bear communicate in the mustang so they could talk to the animals.

"Spiker, we found where we need to be. It's a mall." Loyal Heart said over the communicator.
"Ok. We're tracking you. Be there soon." He said.

In no time, they had shown up at the mall and found a pissed off mob.

"Shit this is worse then the mob when Britney Spears sang." Jeff said as they tried to find Ashlee.
"Take that you bitch!!" Pierre said as he threw water bottles at her. Hitting her in the head.
"Pierre stop that!!!" Seb said.
"Why?" It's fun. Try it!" He giggled as he passed bottels down to everyone.

Soon they were all throwing bottles at Ashlee, making it look like rain. Soon she bagen to sing, making them all curl into balls and cover their ears.

"You make me wanna lala!!!!" She screeched.
"Make her stop!!!!" Chuck cried as he rolled back and forth.
"Ear plugs!!!!" David said as he pulled them out and passed them out. He put his own in then smiled as he played with the monkey.
"Stop playing with your monkey and pay attention!" Pierre said, making all the guys laugh.
"You said monkey." Seb laughed as Cozy Heart and the other Care Bear Cousins jumped down to the stage.

Ashlee stopped singing when she saw them and gushed about how cute they were.

"Like oh my god! You are like so cute! You wanna be like my pet?" She asked in an annoying voice.
"You can't keep singing. It's making people mad." Loyal Heart said.
"Like I don't care. I have a voice and like I'll use it however I see fit!" She said.
"But it's wrong! You're hurting p-p-people." Cozy Heart said.
"What the hell? Like why are you like studdering?" She asked.
"Ok enough of this bullshit. Either get off the stage or we'll make you." Pierre said as he and the guys got on the stage, Chuck was having a problem with his tights.
"They're stuck!!!" He said as he tried to get on the stage.
"Oh my god are you kidding me?" Pierre asked as they helped Chuck up, only to rip the tights.
"Nooooo! My pink tights are ruined!!!" He cried.
"Get over it. You have like 90 pairs at the hide out." Jeff said.
"Like what the hell are you? A gay super hero version of Prince?" Ashlee asked as she looked at Jeff.
"I am not gay!!!!" He yelled, making everyone in the mall shut up and look at him.
"Ok then.....Now where were we?" Pierre asked.
"We were gonna kick her ass." David said.
"Oh right! Either get off the stage or we'll make you get off the stage!" He warned
"Like you wanna bes could do anything to me!" She said as she flipped her hair, hitting Lots-a-Heart in the face.
"You cow! You hit Pinky!!!!" Chuck shouted, making everyone look at him. He pulled out his drum sticks and vaished.
"Now you did. You went and pissed off Pinkten." David said as he pulled out some guitar strings and tied them into cuffs.
"Like I'm so scared of some guy who wears like all pink." She scoffed.
"You should be." Pierre said as he cracked his neck. Someone shouted from the crowd and made Jeff turn around.
"Are you sure you're not gay?!" A kid yelled.
"Yes! I am sure I am not gay! Read the damn cape!!!!!" He growled.
"Ok can we get this over with? Degrassi is on soon and I don't wanna miss it!" Seb said.
"Alright fine! Get her!" Pierre said as they all pulled out their wepaons and began to fight Ashlee.

Not long after they tackled her, she was tied up and gaged. Everyone was cheering and screaming for The Simple Squad. Sure they looked really gay in their super suits, but soon after they took Ashlee away, they showed up at the mall in their hidden identies and played a show for all the kids. No one knew the truth of who The Simple Squad really was. Fow now, their identitys were safe. But for how long...........?

Tune in next week for another adventure with The Simple Squad!