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Sun comes up and the moon goes away
Night birds and night sounds; gotta make way
Stars in the cold sky; gotta make way
For clouds and a breeze that blows in a new day

Rise up, warm day dreams
Rise up, cool streams
Rise up, soft steam
Rise from the loving ground

Sing songs, sweet jay
Sing forth the new day
Sing soft, the ocean's bay
Sing as songs abound

Bend forth in the breeze
Bend down, sweet willow trees
Bend back with great ease;
Silent giant prayers

Pray that the day holds
All of life's rainbows
Pray that the sun knows
The cool nights in your prayers

So the moon comes up and the sun melts away
Owls and coyote cries replace songs of the blue jay
Azures merge with melon orange in sun's dying rays
And clouds return to misty dark as night takes the stage

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