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About me

Name: Pippa
Age: 14
Birthday: October 8th, 1990


colors? Primarily white, black, and lighter blues, but all colors are good if they are combined well.

food? Gyoza!!! Those are the best! (For those of you who don't know they are pot stickers) They make really awesome ones at this place called Miyabi's...wen't there for my 11th birthday...hehe that was when I got my silky pajamas...*melts into pajamas*

drink? Well it is a close match, but I'd have to say Thai tea is my top pick ever. Sooooooo......refreshing.

movie? Spirited Away...all hail Miyazaki!

TV shows? Lesseeeee....Inuyasha and Yuugioh (best in Japanese!)

band? Hmmm I have lots but most primarily...Do As Infinity

song? Again, lots. It changes a bunch...but currently Overlap, by Kimeru.

hobbies? Translating j-pop(not very well - but I am getting better), playing the viola, drawing, singing to myself (ya I am pretty bad XD), and reading of course.

strange pastimes? Ah well that would of course be taking quizzes by the dozen. And I forgot what the other one was...I'll get back to you on that.

video games? HAheheh Final Fantasy X!!!! Nyahaa that was probably predictable. Second place: Final Fantasy X-2. I bet that was also predictable ;)

Ok...soo what am I like. I am never good at talking about myself, so I asked one of my friends to describe me...umm so this is what she said:

"You are creative, nice, "different", u think differently than others, you are idealistic but not naive to whats going on in the world, and you can be sad but can also be bouyant."

Meanwhile, I'm thinking... buahaha the filthy mortals are buying my act perfectly! hahaha everything is going according to plan.... *evil stare*