My mother's healing of her heart after she was prayed for in a church meeting. (after docs had done all they could/would do for her at her age). She had been prayed for prior, but still had to take nitro pills almost daily for the heart pains. Her doc had told her to take one immediately when she thought she might be having an attack and if that didn't do the job, take another after a certain period, up to 3 pills. She lives in the country alone with youngest daughter and family living next door. She said that she had gone about a week, after going to her church revival and being prayed for by the evangelist holding the meeting that nite, and she suddenly realized that she had not had to take a nitro, which was out of the ordinary. She hasn't taken one since. (God does answer prayers!!) (BTW, Mother is 90 this year and this was over 10 yrs ago.)
And my stepson's (Kenny) healing after 4 months, last winter in coma and ICU on breathing machine; and all their had given up on him, but we had prayer warriors by our online brothers and sisters from Calif. to Wilmington, NC and Texas, to Michigan praying for him. One of the family (usually my husband) was there in the ICU with him daily and those in the ICU waiting room had gotten to know all about Kenny and knew us. You know how slowly time passes in a hospital waiting room and it was good to be able to help any loved one there that had someone in the ICU. I know that this touch from God helped encourage many of them. His main doctor called the family together for a meeting and prior to the meeting, Hubby and I decided that until he was brain dead, we would demand everything be done for him that was possible. During the meeting the doctor advised that he couldn't live more than 5-6 min. (MINUTES) if taken off the breathing machine. Hear this now: Kenny walked out of that hospital 2 wks. later! He did have to be on oxygen, but the entire family knew that God had touched him and given him a miracle healing. Everyone in the ICU waiting room, all connected with that ICU and those hospital workers knew and called him the "Miracle Boy" as did his doctors. All to God's Glory.
Jan. 4th of 2005, we were headed home to Tennessee from celebrating the holiday with my son in Indianapolis when we got a call from Tennessee, that Kenny had died. It shook us deeply and I pleaded with my husband to let me drive because he and Kenny were so very close (Kenny was an adult when we married) but he would not let me. He wanted something that he could concentrate on and felt that he had to be strong for his girls (Kenny's sisters) who had tried so hard to help Kenny. Kenny had been on drugs and had really hit bottom before all of the above happened. THEN, IT OCCURED TO BOTH OF US, God had blessed us and had put his arms about Kenny and released him from the pain and the 24/7 oxygen tank and lifted him from his hospital bed and special equipment that he needed to sustain his life and carried him home. We KNEW, as did all others that had met Kenny at church and during this last year, that Kenny was up there dancing in fields where roses grow with his new body.
Kenny had gained to a wt. of close to 400 pounds and he had difficulty walking let alone pulling that oxygen tank along with him. This is what inspired many at the church he attended, that he would be there even with that difficulty. They tell me that sometimes, Kenny had perspiration pop out on his forehead due to the effort it took, but he was determined and excited to be in God's house. God gave Kenny that last year to get his act together and get right with our Father in heaven. He had inspired even the pastor of the church he joined that last year. God used Kenny and blessed Kenny with His love during this year of Kenny's life. This is the balm to the open wound of losing Kenny, that we all know that Kenny is up there right now with his mother and in fine form.
But, again, it looks like God is going to use something bad for good. My husband, Kenny's father, began thinking strongly of being baptised and living for Jesus. Since Kenny's leaving us to be with our Lord, his father has become much more interested in learning God's word and His will for us. Hallelujah. Just another of God's doing. Thank You, Father.
Our Holy Father is so good and His love, patience and grace for us is limitless.