I was born into life
A cripple, you see.
My nature was corrupted,
By some other than me.
'Twas not my father or my mother
To blame for my plight;
But Satan, the tempter,
Who had tainted my life.
I was born a cripple into this life,
A life that was filled with hatred and strife.
All around me were folks who were dead,
Not alive.
Because they were evil,
'Twas Adam's birthright.
There was no one near me
Who could heal my disease,
I was condemned a cripple
Forever it seemed.
But then one day,
A Man appeared on the scene,
Who heard my complaint,
And agreed to heal me.
He said I must believe Him,
Do just as He said.
His instructions were simple,
Yet required me to pray.
If I would be healed
I must fully agree.
The first requirement He expected of me
Was to believe on Him as the Savior of men.
I was required to believe He was God's only Son,
And if I failed this test
A cripple I would remain.
I passed this first test, another I received,
I must repent of past sins,
Must forsake them indeed.
If I agreed to this condition,
Then forward I could proceed.
I could be baptized in water,
Which was a witness to men
That I believed unto salvation,
And a new live received.
Now the name of the man,
Who healed my disease,
Was Jesus of Nazareth
Who preached in Galilee.
He was declared to be
The Son of Almighty God,
And was filled with God's Holy Spirit
On the day He was baptized.
He healed the sick, cast our demons each day,
As He told of God's love
For all of mankind.
My crippled condition was healed that day,
As I bowed in His presence,
In a most humble way.
A new life He gave me,
A life from above.
My crippled condition no longer remained.
A new name He gave me,
Recorded in Heaven above.
I was a brand new creature
Because of His love.
Because I am no longer a cripple,
Unable to stand;
I shout praise toward Heaven
So all men may know
Jesus healed my condition;
Took my sin away.
And by the grace He has brought me
I will march in His band.
Hiram D. Bennett
October 23, 2005
Come Unto Me
Eaglewings Ambassadors