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What More Could He Have Done?

He left His home in glory,
He left His father's arms,
He forsook the praise of angels,
Left all that belonged to Him.

He was born to a virgin woman,
He was born where animals fed,
He was reared as the son of a carpenter,
With whom He worked for thirty years.

He was baptized in the River Jordan,
To do the righteous thing,
And was tempted in the desert,
Without food for forty days

He was led by the Holy Spirit
To reveal the truth of God,
To every person who would hear Him;
Throughout the entire world.

He taught us to repent of sinning,
To live in a holy way:
To trust in Him as our Savior,
To walk the straight and narrow way.

He spent time before the Sanhedrin,
And in Pilots judgment hall.
Accused of crimes he had not done,
To satisfy a jealous mob.
He was beaten with many lashes,
Till His body was a bloody mass,
He was crowned with thorns in mockery
As king of the doubting Jews.

He was nailed to a cross on Calvary,
Between two convicted thieves.
Where He prayed for the Roman soldiers,
Because they knew not who He was

Of His own free will He died that day;
Forsaken by His holy God.
He said: "It is finished Father,
The price is fully paid!

Our sins and our transgressions
Were nailed to the cross with Him,
We now have the only sacrifice
That Almighty God would receive.

He then began the march of victory,
Three days in the arms of death.
Then He rose on a victorious morning;
He had conquered sin, hell, death and the grave.

We have now the word of salvation,
The price for sin is paid;
The sacrifice has been offered,
And accepted in Heaven's gates.
We are urged to believe and accept them,
To repent of all our sins,
Eternal life is now our inheritance,
No longer are we away from Him.

So I ask this simple question:
What more could He have done?

Hiram D. Bennett
November 19, 2006

Poetry and Inspiration by Hiram
Eaglewings Ministries