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In GOD We Trust

They came to a land, wild and untamed,
To be free from the tyranny of British domain.
They came loving God, and this was their claim:
We will be free to worship our God over there.

They braved the seas and were tempest tossed.
They landed on shores that were wooded forest.
They suffered from the cold, and many were lost,
But they still served God, not counting the cost.

They conquered the land, small parts at a time;
Though it caused them much suffering,
And many lives.
But the driving force behind their choice
Was their living faith: "In God We Trust."

They fought the battle, and won the war,
The created a government
Where the people ruled!
They were free to worship the God
Of their choice,
With no retribution from those in charge.

They established a motto
Their nation would use,
It was placed on buildings,
And in their writings as well.
It was a simple motto,
Just four little words:
It simply stated: "In God We Trust."

It served us well over hundreds of years
And the truth of this motto
Gave us might to be feared.
It was placed on our money
For the world to see;
Expressing to all where our faith would be.

This motto of ours,
That we love so dear,
Is under attack, but have no fear,
If the people whose motto
Will humble themselves,
And pray aloud,
The God, Whose name is in
The motto we love,
Will come in answer, and heal our land.

Hiram D. Bennett
March 16, 2003

Come Unto Me
Eaglewings Ambassadors