Grab the chance while you have it.
It may not come again.
You may not live past tomorrow,
So grab it when you can.
The Word came down to help us
To get to heaven above.
So grab that chance when it's offered
And you'll find the source of love.
The Creator made a plan to save us
From this sin filled world where we were born.
The Word, by the name of Jesus
Came with love to earth in our form.
He gave us the choice to accept His love
And the chance to live with Him.
Prior to His coming to earth for this,
Our chances looked very dim.
The Holy Bible is truth and The Word
Came here to give us His Light.
We can choose to continue to live in the dark
Or we can grab hold with all of our might.
Don't let the chance pass, you may regret that you did.
Grab it now while the getting is good.
Some will try to do it all by themselves
But their strengths don't compare to the Lord.
Let Jesus take your load to carry.
He will walk with you through your trial.
Our Lord never said this life would be easy
But He will be with you all of the while.
I thank God above for the chance He gave me.
I am never left all alone.
He walks with me and encourages me.
And for my sins, He died to atone.
Thank You, Jesus
D. Doss
Field Of Daisies
Eaglewings Ambassadors