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A Name I Trust

A man named Peter, and His friend John
Went to the temple to pray.
A man disabled all his life,
Ask them to give him aid.

Peter and John looking directly at him;
Said, look at us and hear our words:
Silver and gold we do not have,
But what we have give we to you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Stand on your feet and walk!

They did not show him a picture,
Nor read from the word of God,
But spoke in faith believing,
In the name of God's only Son.

In the name of Jesus Christ,
A name in which we trust;
They spoke to the life long cripple;
Then taking him by the hand,
In faith,
Commanded him to stand on his feet
And walk.

There was no strength in either man,
No human force in them,
That would heal the paralyzed creation
of God,
Nor provide energy to his helpless limbs.

The only spoke with confidence
In the name of Jesus Christ,
A name they really trusted
Would bring healing to his limbs.

The man stood up and danced about,
And went into the temple with them.
Praising God with every breath,
Giving praise to Jesus' name.

It is in this name that I will trust
To supply my every need.
To give me food and shelter too,
And to heal my bodily disease.

I have no picture of the Son of God,
Not even a mental view.
I've only faith in His very name,
And the promises He left to me.

So then by faith in the name I trust,
I will live and do His will.
Then by faith in the name I trust,
I'll enter through gates of pearl.

The name I trust is Jesus Christ,
He is the Son of the living God.
I can ask my God for anything,
And that name will bring it forth.

Hiram D. Bennett
June 9, 2005

Come Unto Me
Eaglewings Ambassadors
Eaglewings Ministries