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A Grain Of Sand


I am nothing but a grain of sand in the sea.
Why does our Father of all creation love me?
I gaze at the multitude of stars on high,
Shining so brightly up there in the sky,
And wonder why.

Why does the Creator of the mighty oak tree,
That grows so strong and lives so long, love me?
I look at the forest that gives a home and protection
To so many of God's creatures in His collection,
And reflect on..

How can He see one grain of sand's worth?
Why would He care enough to give me a second birth?
I think of this Almighty Powerful God and sigh.
Knowing He can make us like Mom does a pie.
And cannot deny...

He is the potter and I am the clay.
He has the power to do as He may.
I will never know why He loves me so,
But I do know why my love for Him grows,
And, hope it shows.

We are nothing but grains of sand in the sea.
He gave us His son to die for you and me.
I pray that He will not let my need for Him become thin,
Never let my focus on our Lord Jesus grow dim,
And always love Him.

When I learned that our Father God is for us,
He has given us the way in the form of Jesus.
I know that nothing will block my way in that door
And this grain of sand will be forevermore
On that shore.

D. Doss 5/27/04

Field Of Daisies