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The Deepest Sea

I know of a sea, it's dimensions vast,
It's shores have never been found.
No man it's depth has ever plumed;
What is cast there can never return.

It has no waves, or tides, or storms,
It's surface is always calm.
It has a name that describes it well:

My sins of the past are in it's depths,
And my past is washed free of sin.
No more can God see the things I have done;
They are buried in the depth of this sea.
And the amazing thing about it all,
God can't remember a thing against me!

Since the day I was saved,
Satan drags up my past
From the memory stored in my mind.
His aim is to shake my faith in God,
To return me to his vicious sway.
When I talked to the Lord
About these sins
His response is very clear:
My little child,
I don't remember one of them,
So don't let them trouble your mind.

I bask in the knowledge of
This deep, deep sea.
It totally conceals my past;
If God can't recall any part of it,
I'll never let it worry me again.

I rejoice in my knowledge about this sea.
No longer do I fear the past.
For if God no longer remembers it,
Why should I ever feel condemned.

Hiram D. Bennett
November 8, 2005

Come Unto Me
Eaglewings Ambassadors