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The sound of the hammer hitting the nails
As the Roman guard pounded them into His hands,
Changed the murmurs of the people below to wails
And scattered them running to their homelands.

The rest below Him fell silent waiting for His screams,
But they were never to fall upon their ears.
He had been spit upon, scourged, beaten to extremes.
As He just stood silent as if without any fears.

His head bowed slightly in His humble quiet way.
He knew what was required of Him.
There must come to Him the charges He must pay
To keep humanity from paying for their sin.

They all stood silently looking up at this quiet man
Guards below drawing for His garments.
Tears streaming down the faces of His gathered clan,
Watching in horror as He grimaced with the torments.

When the guards had finished with their grisly deed
And the blood flowed all down on the ground,
The guards who remained almost in unison agreed
Things were very different this time around.

None could speak to the mother who stood there.
Words of solace just would not come.
The horror of what they saw was hard to bear.
They were just grateful it was over and done.

Noone said a word as they slowly moved away.
It was hard to know what they should do now.
Since their Master was not there to obey.
They must find the way to go on somehow.

Some were sick from watching this scene take place.
Some were hurt, confused, then angry.
To think that they would never again look on that face,
Or see His miracles or receive His mercy.

The silence so thick, they walked as in a dream,
The pain and utter misery was evident.
His loved ones were frozen and their silence screamed.
But He had finished the job for which He was sent.

"Good" Friday 4/14/06

Field of Daisies
Eaglewings Ambassadors
Eaglewings Ministries