Is a time to remember creation,
And a time to honor God.
It's a time to remember man is fallen
From the image of the Almighty One.
Is a time to remember
The desperate need of all mankind,
To be saved from the grip of sinning,
To be redeemed by innocent blood.
It's also a time to remember
That God, because of His love,
Sent Jesus one Christmas morning
To save all who would truly believe.
Is a time to remember
The birth of a little Child,
Who was born in Bethlehem Village
To Mary, a young virgin girl,
Whom God used to bear His Son
It's time now to remember
This Child is God's infinite love,
Who was sent through the womb
Of a woman
To save an unholy world.
Is a time to remember
The birth of God's only Child,
Was in a manger, where cattle were fed.
For no room could be found in the Inn.
Is a time to remember
That He lived on earth among men,
Day by day for thirty-three years.
He honored His Heavenly Father,
Not once did He commit a sin.
He was declared to be holy,
And that by unholy men
Is a time to remember,
With utmost delight,
The gift from God was Jesus,
Who brought us perfect light.
'Twas A gift of heavenly origin;
A gift from Heaven above,
A gift sent from the God of glory,
Just to show how much we are loved.
Is a time to remember,
A time to honor God's Son
By daily sharing with others
The gift of His undying love.
Hiram D. Bennett
December 17, 2003
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