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I'm cross with this city, master
But I'm also disappointed with her!
- For Onat Kutlar -
I'm cross with this city, master
But I'm also disappointed with her!
And yet I have a few words to say still
To the people of this city:
Its tomorrow is dark
and will be much worse and darker...
I'm cross with this city, master
But I'm also disappointed with her!
She doesn't look after its arts,
its artists...
I've written poetry for this city
line by line
I've given her my warmest affection.
She hasn't understood me, ah, without avail,
she little understood me!
My teardrops ran down
each paving-stone of this city
And yet crazy looney loves of mine
on every corner of this city.
I knocked about till dawn
in the streets infatuated with love
That's why I know every corner by heart...
All the paving-stones, all the streets,
Trees and birds bear witness;
I loved this city so much, master
I just loved this city;
Loved the sky in Kirkayak
the most
And the Lovers' Bridge
with never-ending love...
Do you remember, in my letter to you
I wrote "City of Love" on the envelope
And you replied,
"How is the weather in the "City of Love?"
The weather is nice, the weather is pleasant;
But I'm cross with this city, master
I'm also disappointed with her!
This city made me a poet, left me crying;
With no job, no strength
Hungry and miserable!..
I had not felt so deeply before
I've never been this sad...
But you know, I have a great deal to say!
Leave it for the next letter.
I'm cross with this city, master
But I'm also disappointed with her!
Here's to your health...
Bülent Ozcan
August 1994, London.
Translated into English by hakan c.
November 2002, London.
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