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Sad Freedom
You sell out - your eyes' alertness,
the radiance of your hands.
You knead the dough of the bread of life,

yet never taste a slice.

You are a slave working in your great freedom.
You are free,

with the freedom to suffer hell

to make Croesus rich.

As soon as you're born work and worry
like windmills of lies are planted in your head.
You hold your head in your hands
in your great freedom.
You are free,
in your freedom of conscience!
You are decapitated.
Your arms loll at your sides.
You wander the streets in your great freedom.
You are free,
in your great freedom of being out of work!
Wall Street grabs you by the scruff of your neck.
One day they could send you to Korea.
You could fill a pit with your great freedom.
You are free
with the freedom of being the unknown soldier.
You say you should live like a human being,
not a tool, a number, a means to an end.
They clap on the hadcuffs in your great freedom.
You are free,
in your freedom to be arrested,

to go into prison, even be hanged.

In your life there are no iron,
bamboo or lace curtains.
There's no need to choose freedom:
you are free.
This freedom is a sad thing beneath the stars.
Translated by Richard McKane.
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