About Me

This is a picture of me (Not the best picture for not the cutest guy) and a pic of me drawn by my loving girlfriend, Cjiadon Bast. It's a bit fuzzy cause it was taken by a digital camera, not a scanner
Basic Info:
Name: Tennion Amethyst Pantharus
Aliases: Raine Nyte, Latent Malignity
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: About 110 lbs.
Hair: Brown/Black, kind of long
Eyes: Sky Blue/Gray
Ethnicity: I guess you'd say, "white boy"
Religion: Solitary Eclectic Wiccan
Distiquishable Features: *Looks at himself* Um... nope.
Jewelry or Other Stuff: A hand made Amethyst pendant on a chain. A metal Pentacle with the zodiac signs and a blue gem at each point. And a turned around "Drug Free" bracelet with drawn on pentacles around it.
Favourite TV Show: Boy Meets World
Favourite Movie: Star Wars Trilogy
Favourite Saying: The 1337 saying, "w00t!"
Favourite Food: Meat Lovers Pizza
Favourite Candie: Reeses Peices and Peanutbutter M&Ms "They taste like masturbation."
Click Here if for some reason you want to e-mail me or write to TennionPantharus@paganchild.zzn.com