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the Celtic bards: 

Expressions of love 

The Hug

When life is tough

And things get rough

There are deeds that

Get me through

Your caring hands

Reach out to me

With warmth and

Love so true

The tending hands

'o so sincere

Beholds something

So dear........

The Hug



What is love?

If love is the sun then let me shine on all things down below.

If love is the grape then let me be the wine to be drunk so sure and slow.
If love is an ocean let me try to swim through waves so strong.
If love is an eagle let me fly till the light of day has gone.
If love is the grass then let me grow far through the soft brown earth.
If love is wisdom let me know the depth of its true worth.
If love is a letter then let me write the words so sweet and true.
If love is a battle then let me fight to always be loved by you.



I Can Feel Your Love

I can feel your love

Just blowing in the wind

I reach out and grasp it

You know you can come in


I can feel your love

It strengthens my spirit

It feels so natural

That I do not fear it


I can feel your love

It spirals around

I sense your presence

With my feet on the ground


I can feel your love

My heart is so warm

I’ve never felt better

A birth of a new dawn


I can feel your love

It comforts my soul

I felt nothing warmer

You make me feel whole


I can feel your love

You’ve blown me away

A vision before me

Is a handfasting day


I can feel your love

It came at the right time

A shared love for soul mates

And now you are mine


If I Could Tell

If I could tell you now how I feel

Would you know what I meant?

You have filled my heart with a beautiful love

I knew that you were heaven sent


If I could tell you now what I see

Would you think about the image I share?

If I opened my heart to your receptive mind

Would you think about how much I care?


If I bared my soul with all that I own

Would you see that I was just for you?

If I could tell you everything

You would see that our love was true

Emotion by the Ocean
My love for you expands beyond the limits of all realms
As the ocean waves before me crash and overwhelm
My emotions as I think about how far you are away
My thoughts are there beside you as I wonder what you'd say
If I shared my inner feelings which centre upon you
A love that's ever growing and a love that's ever true
I listen to the waters as the tide brings in the truth
I need no further confirmation as your love for me is proof
For when we are together again you nourish my very soul
If only you knew how much I cared that you make me feel so whole
The rising sea mist engulfs my vision as I look out across the sea
But my heart beats to the tune of love as I think of you and me
For nothing will come between us when we share our love and lives
If I listen very carefully I hear your voice that cries
And I know the ocean lies between us in the murky mists of time
And I will still be here waiting for the day that you are mine

Lovers Tryst

The lovers meet in the shrouded mist

Cloaking their soft footsteps laid down behind hurried feet

In the veils of mist and heather the goddess whispers the wind to part

And sweet sun shines to burn away the early morning fog

Warming the backs of the lovers in the green rolling land

They embrace and touch as their moments fleet away

When the clouds have retreated to the oceans churning voice

And over the mountains the mist mixes salt spray of water on rocks

Seagulls gliding over thermal currents of the air

Calling the song of fish reels in the spiraling dance of white diving arrows

The mournful cry of the seals barking in the basking sun

And playful otters slide and twist in the kelp of a calm anchored shore

The lovers embracing with visions of each other in happiness

To the tides they caress their vows of love for future

The peat smoke rises from a far away cobblestone hut

Suggesting the children that grow from the union of blessing

While passing tide merges with the cool morning air

The spirits grow restless and ride over the midday clouds building tall white peaks

On their steeds they pick up and throw the spears of lightening to the distant mountain tops

Hoping from tree to tree in the cadence of rain that splashes in they rhythm of a drum

The rain springing from their feet that resounded in thunder

Echoing through the air announcing the time of lovers pair to part with alarming bell

Their faces flash red in the wake of the lightening dance

Looking up in awesome wonder they gaze into the tumultuous maze

Then shaken from their visions they look to the ground for their bearings

To each others eyes to see their ties and the band they have bound by their

Their faces mirrors into the soul of new found love

Their hands entwined into the knot that binds them together

Their lips speaking of the kiss seating their voices as that storm had gathered

To their leave they walk with the voices cracking in the night growing for the
dark clouds

Into the mists which gathered and birthed their souls into human form

They are submerged again by the clouds that lead them to the meeting place

Back to the slumbering homes through the rains that pour down from the mountain spirits

Singing fertility to the land of green and bouquets of heather to the hand for a kiss of the lovers tryst.



What Love Is

It is like an immense cloud, piling, building, and looming overhead.

There is no storm warning, no laugh of delight as the soft drizzle turns to a shower in the desert.

It hits like a thunderbolt, with the distant echoes of the clouds clashing.

The rain pours in sheets.

To the flesh, love rains down in stinging pinpricks - the skin tingles when they are near.

Love can be dangerous like lightening, delicate like the soft wind that follows, cold like the rain, or beautiful in the distant flashes of the night sky.

Who is to say love is not just one of these, or all? 

There are different kinds of love.

There is the love one has for a parent or family member, the love of friends, of animals or pets, of object, but the love of man and woman intimately or secretly is most often expressed.

This love knows no bounds.

It is wholly different from the rest.

It reflects the nature of the individual, and their search for a perfect mate.

Love is called many different things, and has assumed levels.

Immature and puppy love usually doesn't last, but it’s a good feeling to have while its around.

All of the sudden they are with you, every cell of their being is exciting.

To be closer would be a dream.

If only they would look over their shoulder, see you, go out with you, love you.

But unfortunately, the love or lust turns cold.

They aren't as interesting, the attraction is lost, and eventually they become discarded in the course of a new love.

But sometimes that love is not of another person.

You find that within yourself.

Like the rains that come to the desert, you are the cactus flower blooming.

Seeing yourself for the first time as a person who is just as beautiful without.

Then the bees come, the birds admiring your beauty, the love comes to you because you love yourself.

You become part of that storm, part of the billowing emotions that overlap all that you have experienced before.

And you can see the landscape like a bird riding on the thermals of your freedom.

And you can choose to be accompanied in song and in thunder by a fellow streak of lightning and let the lover’s chord echo across the glade.

Such is love, in the heart of a dreamer.

