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The Celtic Bards:

Harvest of Lughnasa

Month of August—covered with foam is the beach;

Blithsome the bee, full the hive;

Better the work of the sickle than the bow.

~Anon. Welsh Poem

~An Autumnal Seasonal Reflection~

As we assemble in community spirit in (hometown), we focus on the candle flame.
We sit here gathered in peace like most, who know the nature's way.
The morning sun shines on the coastal waters; the rising steam climbs back to mother cloud.
Feel the presence of nature, a moment in time.
The golden rain falls down from the sky; the harvest corn grows up so high.
The time to reap the crop is nigh.
Nature brings the rewards of yesterday's work, today's hunger fades, and the yield for tomorrow's high.
Feel the presence of nature, a moment in time.
The standing stone is placed like a beacon of time, the cycles of the seasons come and go but the stone stays true.  Some puzzled what came next, but there's many more that knew.
Floating mist that circled shadow's, a northern wind that blew.
Feel the presence of nature, a moment in time.
The passing moon begins to fade; the stars around begin to shimmer.
The natural light grows ever dimmer.
The night sky watches over nature's things, the birds begin to call and sing. Feel the presence of nature, a moment in time.



By Autumn Laird

July 30, 2003


Knock thrice upon the door

Seeking entrance to the feasting hoard

Upon an ancient mound

In the heart of the Ireland

Dwells a place of fame and renown

But a test awaits in the hills of Tara

For without name or skill no one makes

Barred is the entrance into this sacred place

Keeper challenges the bright face

Awaiting entry through the gate


Speak your name and art for which gives fame

“Boast and you will be tried” speaks the doorman

Fair Lug must prove himself to be...

A smith

A builder

A champion

A harper

A hero

A poet

A magician

A physician

A cup-bearer

A historian

A fire-keeper…

By and by all things will be acknowledged

For truth is that which you are

Shining bright like a shield in the sun

Many talents and many colors

Like the setting and rising sun

Begins a time of auspicious augury


Enter the hidden one

Now revealed to be Tailtiu’s son

Long-armed spear hurled upon divinity

Triple born of the sea

Swift and fast the handsome Lug rides

To the aid of the Tuatha hero be

Nuada yields to thee

Game of kings in the Phantom’s eye

Forty years as king to live and then to die

Conquer of the Formorians

Forever remembered as you pass into the mists


Gather in the first of the harvest

In the lingering summer days

Catch a glimpse of him upon the mounds

Or by the lochs and rivers his presence felt

Drink of the sacred wells

For in them upon the first in the August month-

Lug will be known as Samildanach


Speaking of a time to take the sickle to wheat

Gather the fruit and berries of the earth

A palette of colors mirroring Lug's many gifts

Speaking all across the land in which we live

Rises the long-spear of the sun by which work is done

Through the waning day take in the stores for winter days

The time of green is now over for the land has turned golden in his arms

And the fires are set upon the hills for the union of earth and sea

The long rays of sun slowly sinking from the heaven's girth

Shadows across the mounds signal a time to fires light

Celebrating the harvest of Lughnasa night...