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I can't take it any more.
I feel I'm calling in a raging storm.
The pain is just too great.
I realize I made a mistake.

I see you as you touch him.
My mind and heart are shattered again.
I wish and wish but wishing's a fools dream.
I want and want but only get you in my dreams.

I'm sorry if I act so differnt,
but when you're with him I can't help it.
How can I be myself when I want to be with you?
I tried to wish for you; oh I was such a fool.

I know by going with him you didn't mean to hurt me.
So here I am lined up for psychosurgery.
The doctors tell me my heart is broken.
The doctors tell me I need psychosurgery.

Psychosurgery to get you out of my mind.
They do the operation and it takes all night.
It doesn't work cause I see you on the street
holding his hand and my brain overheats.

You're not supposed to be in my brain.
So when I find you there is it no wonder I become insane?
So now I'm dead in the head.
A vegetable with no thoughts except of you.

I asked for psychosurgery to be rid of you.
So I truly know my wish will never come true.
So be happy, be well, with your man... I live in hell.

Watch me burn as I think of you.
My stomach turns without you.
Back in line for a second time.
I know you didn't mean to hurt me.
That's why I'm here for psychosurgery.
