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narrow house recordings

Ryan Schneider

Awful Hissing Skexies (nh2

this recording has over forty five minutes of poetry

tracks -

2- blackout rules
3- boyhood
4- a toast
5- letter to the states
6- bright turdlet
7- let us take a moment to recall those parts of us that died
8- tripping
9- mattress
10- you forget nothing ever
11- I always write about the same things
12- the nude riot
13- Madonna blowjob
14- the numb
15- the one and only snow of this long ass winter
16- I will help you destroy this, world

listen to:: 'Madona Blowjob'

Ryan Schneider is an artist and writer living in NYC. Open City published his first work in their winter edition in 2004 and he has participated in several group shows and readings in Baltimore and NYC. Awful Hissing Skexies is his only record.

$8.00 plus $2.00 shipping and handling
if in maryland add .5% sales tax = $14.70 total

purchase any 2 narrow house titles for $20 (shipping included)
offer only good with check or money order

send check or money order to

narrow house recordings
1 summerfield road
gwynn oak, maryland 21207

if you purchase more than one c.d. shipping is free
please include your full name address, phone number, and email,
how you heard about us and if you are interested in future projects.