« Jason Hardung »


A high heel lays in dead
brush dusted by fast
cars alone in the median.

Was she walking out of some
body's life?
Pounding pavement until words
that bite couldn't
catch up?
Was it a wild night
of thick liquor and lights
tossed out windows like burning
cigarettes exhaled as exhaust from
tail pipes?

Maybe a man
haunted by lies didn't
want pieces of her
sitting shotgun?
That's where
the dog sits
dripping hot smiles
on hot days while
the radio plays love
songs that make
sense now.


Children learn
to whisper
eulogies for dead pets
in marmalade sun and
bury bones under popsicle
stick crosses
somewhere between the rose
bush and sun
flower patch out back.

Death isn't
butterflies and balloons
or kid's shows
but ballads deep in
the gut
of Johnny Cash.

It's ok
as long as we have
air conditioning and
all you can eat buffets.

Hanging clouds
of toxic waste won't
take us
if we pretend
they aren't there.

Jason Hardung's work has appeared in THRASHER and DRIFT magazines. His poetry has appeared, or is going to appear in LANGUAGE AND CULTURE.NET, BLACK BOOK PRESS and WSN POETRY ANTHOLOGY 2007. He is also an editor of a literary magazine in Colorado called FRONT RANGE REVIEW.

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