« Sandy Hiss »

Potpourri for Insects

Do you think the roses
heard me
when I said,
"I'm sorry but I don't smell a thing"

after I picked their petals apart
one by one
tearing from the outside
too many love-me-nots
fingers forcing their way in

Towards the beginning
where creation began
an idle seed
fed by curious water's
one night stand
with dirt

now where it ends

Nonchalantly buried
with pencil flakes
watermelon skins
purple irises
coffee grounds
in a chrome tomb

Dried up
a potpourri for insects

Hanging on Poles of Insecurity

I ride the carousel
that's all I do
watching the world
go round and round
hanging on poles of insecurity
waving little banners
of stripes and yellow daisies

I don't belong here anymore

People pass by, their eyes wide
gawking as I sit motionless
atop a grey, Arabian horse
my leather saddle worn
from the weight of my fears
spurs piercing through
a facade of plaster joy

Wrapping my arms tightly
around his neck
I lay my head down
on his comfortable mane

This is not my home sweet home

I am a voyeur
the adrenaline galloping
through my veins
watching life spin around me
its kaleidoscope hues a trot away

My head dizzy with regret
I close my lazy eyes
imagining I am standing
on solid ground
the earth holding me up
giving me strength
to stand on my own two feet

Now if I can just let go of the reins

Sandy Hiss' poetry and fiction have appeared in Cabaret New Angeles, Autographs Magazine,
Eskimopie.net, Scorched Earth Publications (Editor's Choice Feb/Mar issue), Autumn Leaves,
The Cat's Meow, & True Poet Magazine. Her work will also be featured in upcoming issues of
The Green Silk Journal and Underground Window. Sandy resides in Wyoming with her two
children and husband. She hopes to publish a chapbook in the near future.

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