“Time/date/location. See adds.
Now and then there is something wrong with this
here keyboard… All our original stuff
has been repaired sixteen times over, or replaced by stuff made out of cast
I’ve got a list of questions.
List A: see add/7.
Interference >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Also: We would like to receive more data on the
availability of tool parts made of Beta Carbon Nitride: We are running out of
Diamonds once again. And any more trips to the Moons are out of the question.
No information about Bore Heads was send to us as of this date. "Earth
Think Tank" data will be sent up shortly. That’s what we’ve been told just
before take off.
Four hundred. (400), Wheels: twenty cases of,
End of E-mail: Dawn out.”
“To Dawn Mars Base/ date/ time/grid
Hi Dawn,
Info on (beta carbon nitride), See add.
Music fragment. ”Muddy Waters. Forty days”.
(Track 23, Muddy Waters the Father of Chicago Blues). Well, almost, I
couldn’t fit in the file…”
<<<<<<<< Interference
<<<<<<<< Interference
“You know what’s so nice about space travel?”
“Excuse me?”
“No insects on the windscreen?”
“ What was that all about, vibrations¼Woof,
no we didn’t drive over a hedgehog, and¼”
“Nah, we better check the riggings!”
A head came sticking out of a hatch; the room was shaped like a sixth of
an old cartwheel, doors like those in a nuclear sub going to the rest of the
wheel. Up, and down? The wheel was not spinning, matter a fact...
it felt like it lay flat on the earth.
The floor, and the sealing being flat, the long walls curved.
“Piece of cake, got every thing on the monitor, it’s just a temperature
adjustment problem...” “TAP again is it? Scares the flodus up the ahwa...”
“Right... an other eventful minute in our tin can”
They were six weeks out now, earth very small in the distance, the moon
besides it. The ship had been gathered together as it were: in LEO, that’s low
earth orbit, weeks ago. They had left burning an awful “Skip lode of H2”;
gathered more and more momentum, delta V., And split up the ship, the empty
fuel tanks hanging more than 2 km away from the hood of the toadstool. The ship
had looked like as it fired its NERVA systems spitting hot steam into space
like an angry “Katile”. That’ s also gothic, you guessed as much, or you use
your translator. Water; up the river going nowhere.
Between the ship and the now no more useful engines and fuel tanks are
tethers, C 60 cables.
Some people call them Clark Cables, but that’s an entirely different
story. And now the two pieces of the ship are slowly circling around each
other, a gentle space dance....
The Tin can in which they were living was designed for zero gravity, and
for up being down, and down being up. Not so difficult really. The screens and
stuff were in the walls, the doors too. Up/down, there were ladders. At launch
up had been up, than it became nothing, and after the slow spin had began, up
was down, and it would stay like that until they’d reach their destination.
They started with one earth “G”, slowly building that down into one
Mars. Well¼that would be 38% of a G. “Finely I’m loosing weight” As Airtha wood
So now part of the crew was sitting on the ceiling, watching the
writings on the wall, the design team had failed to mention all the strange
noises that would be coming of the cables. The sun is playing an electric
boogie. Sounds like those of steal doors in distant caves. Low and far away,
waking you up in the middle of your sleeping period: sounds like a ghost kitten
locked up inside a wall.
"These noises are different I'm telling you Bo¼.
But: we have to do a job in 23 seconds: everybody standby for firing of "B.L.A.S.T." Systems.
(Basic laser application systems, and targeting.) Spectral analysis
team; standby, ready. Ban Hoff targeted, cameras rolling action¼"
They were going to hit the planetoid with the laser beam, making a tiny
spot on its surface glow, dark red light probably, and than put the light
through a computer, the glow would be split in its basic colors. The colors
would tell what Ban Hoff 2001b, was really made off. Much fuss about the big B.
in the press in the past, and it played its role in history too. So: All the
more reasons to shoot at it .The plan was to keep on shooting for at least a
They had been working for hours on end now, boring, everything was
really done by some computer deep down in the belly of the ship. No more funny
noises were heard.
Bo, Wolfs, and Airtha. Fire and watch, register, until the boys back on
earth thought they knew enough. They were wearing blue overalls, pencils all
over the place.
"Where is our tea?"
Airtha had phoned about the tea, 20 minutes ago she thought.
"Wait, wait, haurnjan!"
"Talk English, Woof, Airtha…”
“Shit, I can see our Laser! Blow the
"Get Debby on the phone"
Airtha got her on the phone, and told here to
alarm the rest of the crew.
They got kind of tense; you can't see a beam of
light, not until it reflects on something and there shouldn't be
"something" in the vacuum they were flying through.
"Airtha what does that mean? Bad script
"Nah. We’re loosing something, dust
"Waste disposal system off line? Urion,
its the well known constellation of Urion, you know!" " No I don’t…
You mean Apollo, and the wastewater tale causing trouble re-calibrating the
They read a lot of history during their
"So we better also recalibrate the
spectral analysis we got of that rock, would be a funny kind of
Wolfs was watching the wall screens.
"Tis not that at all! Smarna to that
Stairno, we’re in trouble, wake up the gang!"
"Debby 's been doing that Far…"
Bo hadn't said nothing; until now, but it hadn't been much.
"What say you?"
"I saw an explosion" (No sound in space)
"Take a hike!"
"To where? Comet Haley? It would cost an awful ship load of money
to actually get there wouldn't it?"
"Well, Actually, I never actually saw any money in my life."
“But what did ya see? A light started to flash, it said:"(Hand
controlled flying) Direct Orbital Navigation Control"
Wolfs gave it a look.
"Who's making up all the crazy names, some crazy script
writers? Nah... Computers"
More lights, its difficult to keep control when your face is constantly
changing color due to flashing purple lights...
"Basic Laser Application Systems Telemetry. BLAST".
Why is BLAST flashing purple? (Let your little light shine... Firing
"Stop the shooting game, we got to check some things first. The
thing is not on the right frequency, that was a piece of Ban Hoff you saw, that
explosion. We do have a leak, and a laser problem, let me talk to my mashuggana
computer, no that’s not Gothic. Yo! Computer
Wanna go for a walkabout?”
“In a spaceship?”
“Yeah, but first talk to the ships computer, we’ve got a problem of some
It took hours of cause and the problem only
seemed to have disappeared…
(More or les) Tea break.
Debby had her nose glued to a computer monitor,
reading aloud.
“Today we got a lot of work to do. We have to
split up our ship in two halves. The now empty lift of fuel tanks, and rocket
engines, are going to be separated from the rest of the ship. They'll still be
connected to the ship via a lot of cables. Let's call them tethers. What? Never mind. The ship's split in two
we'll stay in the hood, the stem will act as a contra weight, and the two will
dance around each other, and we will cycle all the way to Mars. The longer the
cable the more gravity we will feel.
But for now we have a tea break “…
“Debby what are you reading?”
“Looking for some old articles about a gravity
modification system, but now I’m reading our logs. Don’t ask; that’s what it
says. Gravity, gravity, it has to do with gyroscopes. No, that’s not a Greek
dish Bo”.
Bo was mumbling through the discussions from
behind a bunch of very color full wires he was leading right through the
“Let me try?”
Wolfs took over the keyboard.
“Blah blah blah, blah, more logs. Got it. SUPER
conductivity, under extreme cold conditions a gyroscope can produce a gravity
modification. Right, Earth’s send this to keep us happy and entertained? Well
Einstein talked about gravity and spinning objects. Ah, it says: “Unsolved due
to Velikovski troubles… Yeah most scientists are growing potatoes these days,
or they went for a Tsunami swim”.
“What you think Bo?”
Debby took back here paper and tried to find
Bo, he looked like Electro Tarzan, wrestling with the Data Vines by now.
“Gimmy them pliers, we’ll be online in no time
you’ll see”
“Right… I’ll go check on the rest of the crew.
Bo why don’t you go and make ice cream or something, instead of short-circuits?
After all you’re the ice expert. And me Debby, I’m the electro wizzardess?
Right: rerouting retraining. Virtual cosmonauts, and my tea’s over and done
“Ice cream, you scream, everybody scream, Debby
help me, and I’ll make you some”.
”Make what?”
“I scream”
By this time Wolfs passed by Bo and his vines,
they were both sticking out of a square hole in the wall, (or was it a
ceiling). He got to the next room safe. Debby tried to strangle Bo with some
glass cable. By this time Airtha came along, to help them getting untangled.
(Lots of noise)
In a carbon black, and gold colored room.
Half way… Through the window, one can now see:
a tiny Red
thing like this…
Is present
And changing
(You have
Are formed
By information
(In the beginning
was the Word)
To Dawn: “That’s a lot of questions again!
1.The Gospel of St. John? We
don't have it in Gothic, well we have, but it starts at chapter five, the
beginning got lost some how. So we made a new translation, of the parts
missing, which are not in de Codex copy I brought along"
It took ten minutes for the spoken letter to reach Mars, then the person
at the other end needed time to answer, and than ten minutes more to get back
to the ship. Well it got shorter every
day, as they got closer and closer to the now growing
planet. So Wolfs taped the message, and it was sent in one tiny computer
screech. Wolf took a break.
Bo looked up from his work, or maybe down, the gravity was off.
"You ate 'm all, shut up go talk to you Martian friend, I'm busy
"2.Pfff, mike, right, about time and
space, what was the thing you talked about. In the beginning was the Word. Math:
a). Time/Space. b). Matter /Energy. c). Information. These three things make up the entire Cosmos. T/S exists because there is M/E, and that
again is, because it carries information, how to explain these things in
English, there is structure.
In the beginning was the Word."
"Earth quakes, we don't have many at home. After a big storm you don't have many dead branches falling out of a tree any more. All the big ones already happened when the Venus moon passed by. Ga nah, we had enough"
"3. Dawn, I should send you the form
on the Zep. It's called the Thistle Down, (officially Eolus Bo says). And on the rovers, the Rover is also
the cabin for the Zep. It's called the Tumbleweed. No, I didn't make up the
name. Those membranes I told you about, they are controlled leakage Membranes,
the let through CO2 into the atmosphere, actually, pump it through, against
osmotic pressures and all. I'm talking garbage again Yah?"
"4. I don't know what the national
sport of the Netherlands is, I'm sure its not Wieberen, even if she said she
went wieberen, I'm a Goth, not a Saxon. I don't know that language very well.
I'll pass on the question
I'll send you that form:”
hybrid Zeppelin/Blimp design for extra terrestrial uses.
April 25. Friederichshafen.
materials Lifting body:
fibre/optic wire.
materials cockpit/cargo/crew compartment:
file Mars Rover. (Tumbleweed)
in flight:
is used to make electricity, which is used to run the electric engines; solar
cells are used to do the same.
purpose of the Thistle Down is to give the Mars Two Crew high mobility and good
access to any place on the planet, within the meteorological limits set for the
Thistle Down.
be able to properly operate the system on the planet Mars, (for other planets
see files), an updated weather satellite system is needed, plus a positioning
system, also satellite based.
satellites can be used.
basic design of a normal ZNT blimp
can be used on Mars.
size will be 800L. Normal lifting body, VTL turning engines.
difference: entire lifting body must be stored in a very small space, and the
hydrogen gas needed must be restorable at all times. A non-leaking body must be
used argon gas will be used as temperature differences loss buffer. Also
cellular structure and high-pressure tubing (pneu)
will be used for obtaining structural integrity under extreme circumstances.
out of High German may 15, 2030. Doggers-bank.
W. we got a leak, this is He2!”
the colors! Adjusting,
wake up the whole gang! We’re loosing He2, helium, we need that helium, and
this color stinks!”
“Peat thee speech seat ‘n!”
“Easy! Sheet!”
Sounds simple actually, getting
twelve people away from their computers and what you have, and make them suit
up… Emergency suits, the quick version…
Took ages. (26 minutes!) Finding the leak? That’s something entirely different
once again, the ship’s build up out of a million and a quarter “systems”. Which
all have to communicate with each other. We use C60 tube cloth. Well we told
you about that. Micro wire. But still, the ship’s a not so virtual maze. Well
behind the walls it is.
“Switch your microphone to channel
3 Bo! Debby Tap him on the shoulder. Three! Three...”
“Bo here, what’s the fuzz all
about? I was having a nap!”
“You only thought you were having a
nap! We used O2 to wake you up. You were in the middle of an He2 bubble…”
“Sheet indeed… Thanks, I could have
woken up being deed in dead. Well, something like that. What now? Good question
“Airtha here: Debby, get me blue
prints, Woof get Mars on the phone, and tell your friend we’re in a hurry. Bo go, get everybody, and tell them… well
they can here me… Check, check. Eleven lights. Get all the air canned, put
everything in its box. We have to open the door to get this one sealed. That’s
my guess”
“Beep, Bo, here Deb, that’s only
this part of the whole system. Must be. It flooded you first, and your pocket
is low”
“Pocket, yeah. Air tight away from
the axel. And I’m in the low gravity inner circle. I always told you that my
back problem was killing me…”
“Beep, do I have to say beep first?
W to Bo and Debby, must be the tubing going from 162\@14 He2, underneath Bo’s,
going to the front end. 183\@14 He2…”
“Airtha here, right, I really need
those blue prints, I don’t know all those numbers you know, you got the camera
scull, not me. Ni waichts mis wulthrais ist! What ever! And Hurry!”
“Faith and Sonja here, Airtha, we
closed a valve up here, section 183\, so now the cooling system will warm up…
It’s our esteemed opinion that we’re at the source of the He2. The other
canisters are connected in a different way. Now we got to open up the panels,
and find the hole in one tube, is that fine with you?”
“Still want the blue print. Got it
on the monitor now, thanks Deb. Look here…”
“Wolfs here; adanems Airtha! It’s a
pleasure Mars is looking it up. Well they will be as soon as they get the
letter. So we got to lock the doors to the rest of the ship, pack our personals
and stuff against vacuum. And look for the icicles?”
“Airtha here, that’s a Roger, what
did ya have for breakfast? Blue prints?”
“Swistar, it’s a curs, I can’t
forget any thing! Let’s get started, move all our stuff to, behind the doors”
“Beep, eleven beeps”.
It’s hard moving around in an
emergency space suit, your arms full with bags, cages full of animals. Jars,
with plants floating around in them. Earth souvenirs, well those that can’t
stand the vacuum of space. And they tried to do it breathing the air helium
mixture, helmets off, looking at the meters with one eye. And the panels had to
come off. It was a mess really!
“Yo, Airtha here. Well 25 minutes,
(well) only the search party stays. We were slow! I’m out of breath! O2 is down
to 17%, no wonder. All packed? Bo? Abe?
Wolfs? Faith? Debby? So? Ari? Jose? Luke? (Use the Force!) Anne? Doba? Me? Well
I’ seen your hands! Abe, So, Me. We stay and scan. Rest Monitor from behind the
It took yet another halve hour of
checking everything meanwhile they got two phone calls from two planets. Both
telling them to do what they already had done. And they found out how to put
hot water vapor in the leaky line, old Mars trick… Meanwhile they got closer to
Mars all the time. And closer two a course-correction maneuver. To be able to
do that, the ship had to be stopped from spinning. And naturally the hatches
had to be closed…
“Roger, Helmets! Check! Wolfs, can
ya hear us, well you can, put the steam in that pipe, I hope their trick works,
it’s not really textbook!”
“Stand by, steam’s in, good hunt!”
Abe found the leak, welding, bad
welding, Friday late welding! 186 cm away from where Bo had been “napping”.
(Section sixteen, for those of you who want to look it up on the blue prints.
If you want Mars Freighter blue prints, check the Web for them. Project
Alexandria probably. Version AD 2087. (“Put all Mankind’s Knowledge in one
“I’m closing the doors, last chance
to look out side! (No thanks! We’re spinning. And the door is “underneath” my
feet, 15 billion light years to the bottom!). Closing now. Locked! Abe check
me. So, recheck please, and check Abe!”
They started on putting back all
the panels, and the air was let back in again. Gently.
Things didn’t smell right….
“Fish! What is with the smell!
Talking about fresh air! Yo! This is So. Everybody’s suits, I think, can go
now, but we better check out that smell.”
“Woooof! You forgot some thing,
“Here Wolfs; My Tuna tins! They
must have exploded…. Smarna!”
They got things organized the Thistle Down un rapped, thing packed, including Airtha. And the first load to move over to Mars base. Took a day to get organized, and to mothball the Lander’s engines to make phone calls. They were all in shock… So no talking, well almost. They past the craters rim, and crossed stretches of endless regolith fields, potato’s they’d later learn. Until they reached the rim of a huge canyon.
“The labyrinth of the night, we’re getting somewhere….how much wind? No wind, air pressure? 5? Still the same, we going over the edge, and down… “
Took 20 minutes, almost a third of an hour, to get down to the canyon floor it looked like a dump, a boulders and gravel dump, not a sign of human activity to be seen, and shadows, the sun was getting lower. Too low for good visual in 40 minutes. The canyon, vast, empty? They did get lot’s of telemetry, from somewhere under the ruble a computer has calling out. No voices now.
“Temperature minus 40 c, air 6, no wind. What says the beeper?”
Wolfs was in the chair, well standing actually, Debby steering, Bo steering. Wolfs Robot plugged in.
“Echo’s. Our engine noises are coming back, or what is that? Horn? Sounds like a Shofar out of pitch. Lights, I see our parking spot, we’re of cause off course, 17 degrees port, level off crew shoot the planet, when I say so… “
The blimp looked microscopic against the back drop of brown and red striped canyon walls, and huge landslides coming down from the sky. (A Shy that started to grow red grey). The Zep circled around three times, lost height, and three harpoons were shot into the gravel some 20 L. under the ship now.
“Langsam! Longsome, slow, pumps!”
German orders, you can’t fly a Zeppelin in Gothic or English… Very controlled and relaxed. Until the ship settled down on a tiny landing spot, the engine switched to standby revs.
About a thousand ell from the place where they landed was a not so small round hatch, fitted into an outcrop, no, bricks, they’d flown half a year, and now they looked at bricks. Very ordinary bricks.
“Suit check! Debby? Bo? Wheelbarrow?”
They hadn’t detached the rover from the rest of the Zeppelin; they had to do a lot more flying soon. They just did their air saving things, their Helium things, their…it took an other hour.
“Door open, does the intercom w…”
“Wolf? Dawn here, we opening the vault door… Hmm? The big one. You can come in. Over”
“Roger, glad to hear a voice. Jah, we are locking up”
Silence, they were dead tired. The hole in the wall opened somehow, two ants came out.
“Your luggage Sir? Hi! Hurry, we’ll soon freeze, my suit is bad”
A group of people, nothing unusual. The passing of the door changed them back into the right size, no more ants. More bricks, and rock face, covered with a slimy (?) Lair of plastic. More doors. Air lock, rail.
“Helmets, check air, we have air. Mars? Are you hearing this?”
“Take your hood off, it’s safe, hi, saves power , batteries are irreplaceable!! Hi! You smell.., you Wolfs? Yeah. Hi!!”
“Yeah…well, we finally get together, smerna….”
“Hi, you all look shit!! Sorry to say so, is that blimp secure, yeah sure it is…I know
“We got luggage, and a, yeah, you know, lets get organized, I’m falling off me feet, and it isn’t the gravity, all of us”.
They were taken to an other door the new crew…and the lights switched off.
Next Day
“Hear! My sister is silent! Hear again, I don’t remember…..We crossed the lake, we thought we were alone. And the storm took one of us”.
Debby stood next to a cylinder. They all stood in a rather big cave. She was doing the reading. They were going to bring her outside after the reading, to the top of the cliff. The dust would take the body over after that.
“Hear, and listen, the storm took us and we thought we were alone. But the Lord got here before us, I’ll read some words…
iþ swe seiþu warþ, atiddjedun siponjos is ana marein,
And when even was now come,
his disciples went down unto the sea,
jah usstigun in skip, iddjedunuh ufar marein in Kafarnaum.
jah riqis juþan warþ jah ni atiddja nauhþan du im Iesus.
And entered into a ship,
and went over the sea toward
Capernaum. And it was now dark,
and Jesus was not come to them.
: iþ marei winda mikilamma waiandin urraisida was.
And the sea arose by reason
of a great wind that blew.
þaruh farjandans swe spaurde ·k· jah ·e· aiþþau ·l·
gasaihvand Iesu gaggandan ana marein jah nehva skipa qimandan jah ohtedun sis.
So when they had rowed
about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and
drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.
CA :
þaruh is qaþ <im>: ik im, ni ogeiþ izwis.
he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.
þaruh wildedun ina niman in skip, jah sunsaiw þata skip
warþ ana airþai ana þoei eis iddjedun.
Then they willingly
received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither
they went.
iftumin daga managei sei stoþ hindar marein, sehvun þatei
skip anþar ni was jainar alja ain, jah þatei miþ-ni-qam siponjam seinaim Iesus
in þata skip, ak ainai siponjos is galiþun.
The day following, when the
people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none other
boat there, save that one where into his disciples were entered, and that Jesus
went not with his disciples into the boat, but that his disciples were gone away
anþara þan skipa qemun us Tibairiadau nehva þamma stada,
þarei matidedun hlaif, ana þammei awiliudoda frauja.
(Howbeit there came other
boats from Tiberias nigh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the
Lord had given thanks:)
þaruh þan gasahv managei þatei Iesus nist jainar nih
siponjos is, gastigun in skipa jah qemun in Kafarnaum sokjandans Iesu.
When the people therefore
saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disciples, they also took shipping,
and came to
Capernaum, seeking for Jesus.
CA :
jah bigetun ina hindar marein qeþunuh du imma: rabbei,
hvan her qamt?
And when they had found him
on the other side of the sea, they said unto him, Rabbi, when camest thou hither?
: andhof im Iesus jah qaþ: amen amen qiþa
izwis, sokeiþ mik, ni þatei sehvuþ taiknins jah fauratanja, ak þatei matideduþ
þize hlaibe jah sadai waurþuþ.
Jesus answered them and
said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the
miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.
waurkjaiþ ni þana mat þana fralusanan, ak mat þana
wisandan du libainai aiweinon, þanei sunus mans gibiþ izwis; þanuh auk atta
gasiglida guþ.
Labour not for the meat
which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which
the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
CA :
þaruh qeþun du imma: hva taujaima, ei waurkjaima waurstwa
Then said they unto him,
What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
andhof Iesus jah qaþ du im: þat-ist waurstw gudis, ei
galaubjaiþ þammei insandida jains.
Jesus answered and said
unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”
A lot more was said, at last, and the chief produced some rocket fuel; that might have helped. They stood for 4 hours in the room, sang all the songs they remembered. Mostly in English though, and one in Navajo.
They had to suit up again before carrying her to the top, through an almost endless mote run of a tunnel. Through a double airlock 6 people and a coffin, the rest stayed behind. The stars were up shining Wega, (Llyra).
“Dawn? “
She took his head in her hands stood next to him and put her helmet against his, made him stop.
“Hi, we don’t use the radio, if we want to chat woof, just sound will do the trick if we let the helmets touch, we have to leave her on the top and take distance, the dust will burn her, react with the water. She’ll be part of Mars too, just like us.”
They put Airtha on the rock, in plane cloth, and stapped back, nothing happened, at first. Several minutes.
“Vapour…, she’s doing a Viking reaction”
“Don’t fall Wolfs, we going back, she’ll evaporate, and the morning wind will take her, that’s the way we all go… bye AirthAA!! We leave you now”
They all went back. No radio.