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Your face haunts
my haunted heart.
Your face still
lingering with me.
My haunted heart
crying for you
each day.
My poor,
poor haunted heart
has nothing to say.
My haunted heart
whispering to you
in the gloom of
the darkened night.
My haunted heart
calling out your name.
It's lonely voice
whispering in
the wind, in the rain.
The moon above
shining upon my
lonely face,
recalling all
we used to say.
My haunted heart
has no regrets of you,
but that we are through.
My haunted heart
still bleeding
to have lost you.
Haunting memories
of you;
ghost of you within
my haunted heart,
dreaming of you,
remembering you
within my
haunted heart.

by Dottie Fontaine