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My Friend

My Friend
When I first saw your face,
and your intense eyes,
my heart leaped,
from me gasping in
recognition of you.
We have never met as of yet.
Not in this lifetime on earth.
But, maybe you have
returned to me,
from another birth.
Did we die before,
or many times more.
Did we love each other
in another world,
of another time?
Why do I see
reflections of our love,
from within your eyes?
Images of you and me,
within the shadows
of the past?
Do you believe that
love can last for eternity?
Have you returned to me?
I see mountains high and
moonlit nights, romance
there in the gardens
of once, a Paradise.
Was there a tragic story,
or a happy one?
These questions
I cannot answer,
and leave them for
The Holy One.
Not remembering now,
but maybe in my dreams,
deeply buried
within my soul.
Only God can allow
the memories to come
back again.
Let's not dwell on
a long lost past.
Let's think about tomorrow
and make our friendship last.
Maybe you were my father,
or maybe my brother,
or even a foe.
But, I hope you
were my lover
those days of long ago.
The eyes are the
windows to your soul,
and they are
telling me now,
that you need me so.
My feelings are
getting stronger,
and I just
have to know
the answers
to all these questions,
as someday God
can tell me so.
Remember me,
as I will too,
as you go flying by
across the skies of blue.
Each time a plane flies by,
I will think of you,
and my prayers
will follow too.
If miracles do
really happen,
then I will ask for one.
For you to fly to me.

f For we have just begun.
I do hope that we
can become more than
just friends.
My friend!
