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Sweet William

A friend of mine named William
of whom writes lovely poetry,
wrote this for me.
I thought it to be so very lovely
and poetic that I just had
to print it along with
my response to William.

Words from William

The one who shall receive honors
of writing beautiful words
that come alive and inspire,
bring love, peace, and joy to all
is none other than the most
beautiful Madame Blue.
Oh yes, she is the
mystery of the universe,
spiritual love she posesses,
spreading out her magnetic attractions
to those matching her call to unity.
She is beyond the reach of the ordinary.
Only those with special spiritual love
can become close to this magnificent
Queen of Beauty.

Love, Sweet William

My Reply to William

Sweet, Sweet William.
a knight in shining armour,
always ready to assist
a maiden in distress.
Where, oh, where
has chivalry gone,
in the world of today?
But, to shine as a knight like,
Sweet William, is so to know
a true Romantic at heart.
He speaks of love
where-ever he goes,
and knows the Wisdom
of the Lord!

by Dottie Fontaine