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My Fellow Writers

Dream of the Dawn

A flowing dream of auburn.
Her hair a touch of dawn.
Like the enchanting mermaid, a magical sight.
A dream I prayed would not end...
I remember holding this dream in my arms.
Her soft rose cheeks lay upon my chest.
like holding all the treasure in the world, only more precious than gold, gem or silver.
Our bodies natural.
Her delicate, adorable toes brushes over my stone legs.
Her most warm and tender body pressed against my body.
The emptiness of the cruel day, filled by the light of the ending of the night.
The taste of her lips compare to honey and the finest apple cider.
Holding her, her holding me, She said "I love you" with her eyes.
"And I the same" I said with mine eyes and my whispers...
As I was awoke by the bleeding daylight that stole my love away.

-Jay Burris-


Who I think I am
Is a cold
Mysterious man
As quick as a fox
Lurking through the shadows of the night
I think I am the heartless mercenary
In the world.
Killing everything I touch
I think I am the sword
Striking down the evils in the world
The hope of people
The strength of the weak
Quick as lightning and
Fierce as a storm.

Who I really am
Is a kind
Caring man
As quiet as a mouse
In a room of cats
I am the forgotten man of a world in chaos
I am like a diamond
In the rough
Small and lost
Wanting to show the world around me that I am not what I appear to be.
I am not the cold, emotionless ice
But the steel tip
That shatters it.

-Daveid Brewin-
