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My Poetry

Beautiful Traps

Fragile but regal
A golden horn spiraling up
Mother nature's gift to the world
They bring life and light

A maiden pure and true
With the greatest weapon
The net that can catch the wind
Love is the greatest harness

Sitting in the mystical forest
The perfect trap is set
Gracefully he steps in
Unaware of his fate

The maiden slips the golden bridal
Over onto the shimmering neck
His heart slows; his eyes close
Never knowing not caring

It is over in a second
The unicorn is no more
Beauty and wonder killed that day
All for the want of a horn


The Fairies' Dance

Down deep in the shady grove
Surrounded by tall dark oaks
Where the greatest treasure is stowed
'Tis the home of the fairy folks

Gleefully the fairies dance
Around the flowers gay
Higher and higher they seem to prance
On the most wondrous mysterious fay

And as the sun begins to rise
There is an enormous flurry
As every single fairy hides
To their homes they all scurry

So if you ever go to the glade
All the fay will be out of sight
But if you wait beneath the shade
They will be back to dance in the night


Imagery of a Mountain

At the base I look up to see
A wonder to behold
Sparkling sapphires as blue as the sky
Surrounded by shimmering gold

I start my climb finding handhold
Working my way to the top
Craggy cliffs hide behind them secrets
Crystal caves and the purest gem of blood

Red hot liquid pumps through veins
Which, when spills, hurts me so
And now I know I've reached your heart
I will never have to let go


The innocent unicorn laying still
On the beautiful maiden's golden lap
Never to grace the world again.

The silver thorn on bloodied rose
That lies crushed and broken
On the virgin snow.

The torn off wings of fragile butterfly
Forbidden to fly free
To shimmer in the air.

The forever unclean body
Sundered from heart to soul which cries out
For surcease from the enduring pain.

The Encounter

In the arms of the angel,
My heart soars upwards.
Naked dreams and boyish glee,
The valley of night has vanished forever.
Ballroom dresses and trying to dance,
The clouds are higher than you think.
The city of dreams glowing in the night,
The circle has no beginning, no end.
Which is better the lady or the tiger?
The world will never know


The moon has passed behind the cloud
Darkness spreads into my soul
The light I'd known is somehow gone
Hopes I had felt have flown away

The dreary night goes on forever
Stars have disappeared
The joy I had has left a hole
An empty hole that can't be filled

The morning never comes
Never fills the sky with light
The fears rule in my heart
A terrible undefeated tyrant

Crys all alone


Garden of Frost

Cold, dreary nights
The frosty grip of winter
Keeping a heart
Close to death's throne

Even in the frozen land of lost souls
There is found some beauty
Like the cold crisp air that makes
The sparkling stars brighter

Ice roses grasped tightly
Bloom in the perpetual snow
Stay in the high walled garden
Without a thought of freedom

For even though it is winter
He still loves the garden fair
And walks around touching the roses
With a lovers caress

The pure white powder
Covers the small flowered haven
With a blanket of emotion
While the frigid wind tosses it around

This wind, however playful,
Bites the poor roses
Till they are senseless
Unable to feel anything good or bad

The loss of the senses is so gradual
So slow to take it's hold
The flowers don't know what
The garden has been missing

Until the inevitable happens
A ray of sunshine
Falls on unopened buds
Warming them with friendship

The walls thicken, winter grows colder
Trying to keep the sunbeam out
A lost battle from the beginning
As the roses start to awaken

Little by little the mortar in the walls
Start to crumble to dust
The land grows warmer
The icy hands of death are forced away

A small green shoot
Breaks up through the powdered snow
The first triumph against
The rule of winter

The color comes back
To snow covered roses
Tipped with red warmth
They are half fire, half ice

Winter try's fiercely to keep
His death grip on the garden
With a promise of spilled blood
From sharp icy knives

But still a message of hope
Slips through the barriers
Put up by garden and
The bitter love of winter

Just a small message
That changes the garden
One crocus in a field
Of deep, suffocating snow

For even thought winter
Has loved the garden
It is time for spring to teach the garden
About growth and a new love

The Kitten's Tree

The small black kitten
Wandering, discovering
Creeps up playfully
To the tall dark tree

Lithely she climbs up
Into the swaying branches
And falls asleep
Admist the leaves

The wind gives the tree
His voice, and he sings
His song of love
To the little kitten

And I the small
Black ball of fur
Sighs serenely in the arms
Of my silent love

Time to let you go

Mystic Bird

Sitting in a mystic house unknown
I started on a bird
A burning fire in its breast
A tear of crimson in its eye

It stared at me with a look of peace
My heart felt no sadness
Then it vanished, consumed by flames
Never to grace the world again

There I stood in this house unknown
Watching the red flames burn
I cast my troubles into the fire
Destroying them all one by one

After they all had been burnt to ash
The crimson flames died down
My hopes and dreams reborn again
The phoenix flew to spread its joy

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