Under construction
I'm WolfDrum aka ChianaGray. I thought to put my poems as a collection so here goes.
I'm a fan of Farscape so you'll be seeing allot of influence there.
I don't have exactly every living poem but there's some old and new. It's still growing so check in from time to time if you like.
You are about to subject yourself to random silliness, bouts of spiritual madness, provocation and general things that make no sense. Enter at your own risk. Watch that first step.....
Poetry Pages
Web Sites
Poems Farscape
Poems Nature
Poems Voices And Visions
Poems Tandem Randoms
Poems Thought
Poems Love
Poems Dark
Poems Red Road
Chiana's ChiHouse
CG's Farscape Fanstuff
Gilina's Gig Garrison
Ultimate Farscape Board