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Adam's Task

by John Hollander

“And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field…”—Gen. 2:20


Thou, paw-paw-paw; thou, glurd; thou, spotted

            Glurd; thou, whitestap, lurching through

The high-grown brush; thou, pliant-footed,

            Implex; thou, awagabu.


Every burrower, each flier

            Came for the name he had to give:

Gay, first work, ever to be prior,

            Not yet sunk to primitive.


Thou, verdle; thou, McFleery’s pomma;

            Thou; thou; thou—three types of grawl;

Thou, flisket; thou, kabasch; thou comma-

            Eared mashawk; thou, all; thou, all.


Were, in a fire of becoming,

            Laboring to be burned away,

Then work, half-measuring, half-humming,

            Would be as serious as play.


Thou, pambler; thou, rivarn; thou, greater

            Wherret; and thou, lesser one;

Thou, sproal; thou, zant; thou, lily-eater.

            Naming’s over. Day is done.

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This site was last updated 08/12/02