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Red-jelly Lifesavers

by Robert Stanton

And so there I was,

just sittin I guess ya'd say,

in a calm, cool collected sorta way,

                              watchin that chick strut,


            at least

                              that's what she thought

more like a waddle on that fine spring day.


So I just sat there ya see,

                              sat there quiet,

under that pomegranate tree

                                                eatin a red-jelly lifesaver

            and sippin on a Yoo-hoo.


Now folks was walkin,

                              and folks was talkin

as if they were really interested . . .

            all the while he was thinkin

                                                            about drinkin

and about how he was gonna wrap his stuff

around her little, red-jelly lifesaver.

Of course,

                              she thought,

                                                            about his roommate.


Now I'm still sittin

smittin on this blade of grass

that keeps me company,

as I ponder



Or maybe I'm thinking

just how in the hell

I'm gonna find the bread,

                                                the dough,

                                                                  the president's dead.


Cause I gotta get the cash,

gotta get the money,

gotta find a way

            to snag that honey

dressed in tights

under City Lights

on the corner of 42nd and 7th.


And I'll take her back to my tree,

            just her and me,


and I'll lay her down

on that blade of grass,

she'll scratch my back,

and grab my ass,

                                                and call me "daddy."


That all might be kinda tough though


considering the fact that




                                                I'm only 12.

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This site was last updated 08/12/02