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Cape Breton Beauty

To glance across this Island of smiles,

The beauty goes on for many miles.

The scenery is captivating each place you go,

Cape Breton love is something they show.

The ocean roars, as the seagulls fly,

Layers of rocks, rest nearby.

The clouds lay low, lingering under

the fading blue sky, so full of wonder.

Mountains so high …an amazing sight,

The quiet and peace, that feels so right.

Trees cascade down the mountains green,

Drawing you into a wondrous scene.

Beaches with soft warm sand on your feet.

Cape Breton souls are hard to defeat.

This home we know is deep in our spirit,

You will feel it too, as you come near it.

The gift of Cape Breton, is the people who live here,

Everyone will shake your hand, “How ya doing dear”?

One for another always lending a hand,

We as Cape Bretoners are proud of our land.


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