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Past another turn and still no sign of life.

The kids are all hollering and so is my wife.

I could of sworn it was at the next turn,

She is still hollering, "You'll never learn".

Look around dear what do you see,

Dirt and mountains and no stores to be.

As she is yapping away, I'm trying to reply,

Can't get a word in besides a big sigh.

Daddy, daddy do you know where we are?

In a minute or two I'm pulling over this car.

How can I think with all of this noise?

Be quiet kids and play with your toys.

O how I don't want her to be right.

I will never get to sleep in her bed at night.

But the sounds are developing under the hood

I should of listened if only I would.

Before she could speak or even ask,

Yes dear I know, I ran out of gas.


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