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Beautiful Cape Breton - Poems Are Words Of Expression

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Weather in Sydney, Cape Breton

About Me

I have been writing poems since I was about 15, I just start getting the urge to write again. I entered a poetry contest just to see what would happen and they picked me to be published. I am new to the internet world so I got really excited,after searching different web sites I found out alot of companies are scams and want your money to buy their books. Be careful out there poets. To tell you the truth I just enjoy making poems and I wanted to share them with anyone who was interested in poetry.

I would appreciate your opinion on my poetry and I thank you for visiting my web site. Have a great day and take care.

A Mom's Gift Of Love Poetry is the word of your thoughts.

I enjoy writing poems in my free time, I hope my poems touch your heart.

A poem about my daughter
A Mom's Gift Of Love.
My little girl is so bright, And growing up so fast. Tucking her in bed at night, I hope will always last.
You'll always be in my heart, Cause my love is like no other. I think you are so very smart, And loved so much by your mother.
I hope you get all your dreams, Of life paths on it's way. There will be times that it seems, That your having a bad day.
Always hold your head up high, And know that things get better. Life is just like the sky, With different kinds of weather.
Be as strong as you can, And you will grow up great. Keep reaching out for a hand, And always have your faith.

Love From Your Mom

I put two special poems in memory of all the people involved in America's Tragedy. This is such a sad time for the world. It is on the next page, go on next poem at the bottom. Say a prayer for all!! Thank you.

More poems for you to read, or keep clicking on next at the bottom and it will take you to each of my poems.

I hope you enjoy them.

New Poems Were Added Below.


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