Setting #2:The Boss’s Office
Chapter 2: The Boss Finds Out
Meowth quickly ran down the hall to a door that said "The Boss’s Office." Meowth knocked on the door.
"Come in." A deep dark voice said from inside the office.
Meowth opened the door and walked in. A dark person was sitting behind the desk holding a Persian in his lap.
"Ah, Meowth. What are doing here?" The boss asked petting his Persian.
"Boss, you probably wouldn’t like this but Jessie and James is planning a wedding." Meowth said nervously.
"What!" The boss said angrily. "A wedding? How do you know this?" He asked.
"Well I saw James kissing Jessie’s neck, and I even heard them talking about it." Meowth said.
"Well Jessie and James is going to get a wedding that they’ll never forget!" The boss said with a grin on his face.