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Team Rocket Manga!

This is the Team Rocket manga section!

I don't know much about the manga since it's not availablt in Israel and probably will never be.

The manga is the official Pokemon comics, drawn by Toshihiro Ono (I think!). Now, If I remember correctly- Each volume contains four sections, and the volumes are published monthly. Since the manga isn't for very young kids, it doesn't have the same censorship as the show, and it's a bit more violent (see the first pic in this section!). Also, Rocketshippers' dreams can come true in it- Jessie and James get married and Jessie gets pregnant! (See pics 5,6 in this section!)

Now I'll say something that might shock you- I think Ash is drawn so adorably ! And Misty looks a lot better than in the show! If you ask me... Jessie and James look a lot prettier in the show than in the manga (::hides::). Also, the characters are a bit different than the original ones. Team Rocket are eviler than in the show, Misty is a bit more faminin and Ash isn't so dumb. I've seen pics of him buying dinner for Team Rocket!

22-10-00 - Joy !!! Thanks to my friend Tal I was able to actually read a whole issue of the Manga!!! I LOOOVED it! Thanks Tal!

Notice: A lot of the sites have warning lables next to the Manga pics, saying not to use the pics. I DID NOT take ANY pics from a site with that kind of lable. If you see pics that you might recognize as yours- I probably found them in a different site. You can use the pics here as long as they don't lead back to me :) And consider that some of the pics were edited by me.

Jessie kicks Ash in the guts! Ha ha ha ha !

James with a rose

James is snozzzzing

Jessie, James and Meowth in a group pic!

James FINALLY tells Jessie how much he loves her.

The most famous Rocketshippy pic- A peep to the future- Jessie's pregnancy.

Jessie and James happy and holding hands.

A beautiful pic of Jessie hugging Likitung. Cute!

Team Rocket's sooo happy! :)

James looks so handsom in this pic!

Epilouge- one of the pics that touched me the most.

The cover of "Electric Pikachu boogaloo", features Team Rocket in colors.

Manga pictures from the 3rd movie

A cute picture of Team Rocket from the 3rd movie

James and Meowth hanging in the air! 3rd movie's manga

***Twerp alert!*** The Twerp and his Pikachu... one of my most favourite manga pics...

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