The ABC's Of Hawaii

T is for Trace AKA Scraggles. Scraggles is Justin's best friend. He was there too. We didn't let him in our picture. Now we wish we did. He has a barcode tattoo on the back of his neck. I want to lick it. He is short. He has a fro. He dared Justin to grow one. We love Scraggles. Thats Scraggly Poof to you.

U is for Ukelele We bought a uke cause we were bored.It was plastic. We soon became known at the hotel as the girls with the uke. We made money. We can't sing that great. We can't play the uke. People love us anyways. It was $9.99. Ruben knew that. Ruben tuned it for us and proceeded to rock out. REEEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRRR!. Steve wants to bash it. We take requests.

V is for Vegas Vegas is where all of us girls first met. The three days we were there were very crunk, so we got back together for another week in Hawaii. Vegas rocks. Thank You.

W is for Whatever it takes Please *N SYNC put this song on your new album. JC's voice is incredible. We made up the choreography. USE IT. Thank you!

X is for XXX This is in reference to the SeXXXy Steve Fan Club. Steve is seXXXy.

Y is for YEAH! We got a picture with Troy. It was the happiest moment of our lives. U Drive me Crazy.

Z is for ZOOOOOOOM We missed out peace on a lot of important zoooms. Steve zooooooms, therefore he is.The End!

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