Las Vegas 11.26.99

We went to the concert, it was just like every other one nothing spectacular. I saw Stever and he was SUCH an ass. I went up to him to ask him for a picture and he completely ignored me and ran away. So, Jess and I ran up to him when he was talking to some girl and I jumped in between them and yelled "Take it!" Jess took the picture, and it never came out because I'm a dumbass and didn't realize my camera was out of film.

Oh yeah, one thing about the concert when Justy went to drag out the end of God Must Have Spent, the girl he went to sing to dissed him. It was pretty funny, but I missed it cause I was in the beer line. I heard about it though.

So, after the show we are hanging out in the hotel and my cell phone rings, it's my girl Heather from Texas telling me that she heard from Stever the guys were going to party at Rum Jungle. (A club in another hotel) Courtnie, Ashley and I head over there fast as we possibly could. We get there, the first person we see when we walk in is Stever in his Peter Pan outfit. So, we went and danced by him but he walked away.. lol. We also had seen Justin, Joey, and Lance in a roped off VIP section. As a matter of fact, Justin taking a shot was one of the first things we noticed about him, after his necklace of course.

Lance was sitting with 3 ugly girls, and they were like just talking and stuff. I don't know who they were, they all had short blonde hair, and all looked alike to me. Justin was at the far end of that same table by himself staring off into space. Fatone was at a table in the corner with his sister Janine and a few other people.

(Do not write me and tell me you read something else because I don't care. This is what I saw.)

Oh yeah, somewhere in this time we met scary Lorenzo. Listen to me people, if you EVER go to Las Vegas and meet an short, overweight, African American guy with Will Smith's old Fresh Prince haircut, STAY AWAY FROM HIM. He preys on girls trying to get sexual favors in return for hook ups which he does not have. He really does not know the guys no matter what he says, we asked Steve and he said NO NO NO. Anyway, watching him dance to ODB was funny though, Sexy, Sexy, Sexy.

ANYWAY, Courtnie , Ashley and I were standing by the roped off VIP section wondering how the hell we were going to get in there. So, we grabbed this guy from over the rope and said "How do we get in here?" He told us to step over the rope. LOL.. that was hard, eh?

So we talked ot this guy for a few minutes, he was cool but he kept pulling me on his lap and it was getting on my nerves. So, I glanced over and see an NSYNC bodyguard sitting by himself. I went over and started talking to him, keep in mind he was sitting like a foot away from Joey. We were just talking and stuff like that (Court and Ash had gone to the dance floor) and Joey walks.. no wait, it was more like a strut/dance over to us. Well, we started to talking to him too, and surprisingly I WAS NOT nervous. At all, it was weird.

After a little bit Court and Ash came back, and I introduced them to "my friend Joe".. lmao, I dunno what I was thinking when I said that, I was loaded. We were singing Back Dat Azz Up to him, it was pretty funny. Anyway, to make a long story short I asked what he was doing later, he said nothing, I said I'd give him my room number, he said he'd call, whatever. But, he told me to give it to the bodyguard cause he'd lose it (surprised?) So, I give the bodyguard the number written on a napkin not expecting Joey to call. NO WAY. And I walked away over to where Lance was.

Keep in mind, at this point in time, Lance was still my favorite NSYNCer, so to see him sitting in front of me, inches away I was in shock. I introduced myself, "Hi I'm Brit" He said "Hi I'm Lance" and shook my hand. I walked away, and then walked back like 5 minutes later and did it again. "Hi I'm Brit" (shake hand) "Hi I'm Lance" I walk away, walk back. I think you get the picture. I did it seven freaking times and said absolutely nothing other than Hi I'm Brit. I know, I know, I suck.

When I was walking back over to the area where Joey was, I walked sort of into Justin, we brushed shoulders. He was TALL, and his necklace was BRIGHT and that's all I have to say about that. No wait, something else, the club was DARK, yet Justy had on sunglasses. WTF???

so, I talked to Joey some more and we left the club... went back to our hotel. At this time I still did NOT think Joey was calling. So, I walked around the freaking casino with dumbass scary Lorenzo all night. Well, he was buying me drinks. LOL..

Here's something kind of funny:

While I was walking around the freaking casino with scary Larenzo, a friend of mine was taking this picture at 5:45 AM:

And this one:

That's Joey coming in from the club and getting into the elevator. Here's something even FUNNIER. Wanna know where he was going?

Click Here
That message was on my hotel room answering machine at 6:10 AM. If you can't hear it, the message is "came by the room, weren't there, missed out, PEACE."


And that's the way it was.. on November 26th.

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