Sexy Sexy Sexy

These pictures are really freaking hot and I'm not even going to make fun of them. Not much I don't think anyway. Just look at them cause they are good and I like them.

Enjoy Your Pop Tarts !!

The Forbidden Fruit(cake)

See Lance. See Lance bite an apple. Isn't he sexy. He likes coffee too. Instant. Amazon Man. He's waiting for Leo to come draw him. I'm the King of the couch! That's All.

To Be Or Not To Be

See Chris. See Chris's beer belly. I like his plaid PJ's. He borrowed them from Stever. Busta is cute too, eh? Chris drinks Coke. He has a beefy manly arm. Make your bed damnit.

Mork Minus Mindy

Simon Says hand on hip. Simon Says make sure your appendix is still there. Simon Says turtlenecks are CrUnK. Simon Says Justin is sexy.

Orville XXX Redenbacher

JC DOES eat. He eats popcorn. He's watching porn. The porn is funny. It was made by Stever. That laugh is exaggereated. Some of the popcorn is hiding under JC's leg. Nice slippers. Do not disturb. Hospital PJ's are nice.

Banana Man

I like Joey. I like those PJ's. I liked them on Chris. I like that Superman doll. I like Joey's socks. I like that Brooklyn hat. I like planners. I like Joey.

And that's the way it is...... right now.

Those are the best pics I've EVER seen... EVER.


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