MissingNo- Talk to the man in Viridian city who shows you how to catch a weedle. After he shows you how to capture one and when you're short chat ends, immediately fly into Cinnibar Island. You will have to surf on the right coast and in moments, you will soon meet either a level 0 M or a level 139 MissingNo. After you have either defeated him or after you have ran away,your sixth item will be multiplied into large sums. you can duplicate items such as MasterBalls, Rare Candies and Nuggets. these items are alot useful and most valuable. (The Century Net staff has comfirmed this cheat to be a fact. But it does destroy your saved data if you capture the MissingNo.)
S.S. Anne Doesnt Have To Leave- In order for S.S. Anne not to leave the Vermillion shore, you will have to either trade a friend for a Pokemon which has learned the technique Cut or you must recieve Cut from the Captain and purposely lose to a sailor right after that. This will end you up in good positions. once you black out, you have gotten Cut and S.S. Anne has not sailed off to another land
Mew And S.S. Anne- It is said that if S.S. Anne has not yet left Vermillion and that if you have the hidden machines such as Surf and Strength taught to any of your currently used Pokemon, that you maybe able to capture a wild Mew. After you have waved your ticket to the entrance guard and you are about to enter S.S. Anne, in the right side of the harbor, you will have to surf and you will be able to sight a truck. Many websites, (maybe even all) have lied about this scenario in which you will be able to push the truck using Strength. They have also lied about Prof. Oak appearing behind the truck with Mew as well. Well, to tell you the truth, this cheat has been proven wrong. Yes there is a truck parked there: but a truck is a truck if you cant move it! (This cheat has been proven wrong by the Century Net staff)
Pikablu- If you really think that by using a water stone on your Pikachu or Raichu will turn them into a Pikablu, then you're wrong. If you believe that there's such thing as a mist stone in which you could transform a Pokemon into a PokeGod, then you're wrong as well. (Century Net has proven these methods false)
Magicarp Transforms Into a Mew- Some sites have said that if you buy the $500 Magicarp from a man located near the Mt. Moon Poke Center and that if you let the man at the Day Care Center train him until he grows to level 50, that the Magicarp will transform into Mew. Well this is a tricky cheat. It has not yet been proven false nor true. I guess that for now, you'll have to find out yourselves. So get going and buy that Magicarp for those who desparately need to find out. As i have said, buy the $500 Magicarp and give it to the man at the Day Care Center to train. When it becomes level 50 take it out and you'll have yourself a Mew. But were are not sure that it'll transform into a Mew, some sites that we have been on said that the cheat was absolutely true. If the Magicarp does turn into a Mew then that is good for you all, but if not, then i guess that the sites have lied to you all. (This cheat has not yet been proven false nor true by Century Net staff. Visit this site for future updates. The answer will definitely be here soon)
Neon Town- Neon Town is the Town that never sleeps (according to the majority of the people). Few details and information about this mysterious place has been heard. It is said that in order for you to be able to get there, you'll have to defeat Elite Four over 30 times in a row. But thats not all.....You can not also talk to anybody. You'll have to defeat Elite Four 30 times without a single chat with your mom, Nurse Joy, the Poke Mart clerks as well as anyone else. You are only allowed to talk to Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance, Gary and Prof. Oak who later congradualates you. That is why you should have duplicated your Max Elixers, Max Revives and Full Restores just to make sure your goal isn't stopped. On the 30th time or so, when you will end up in the Hall Of Fame chit chatting with Prof. Oak, he will mention to you that he is tired of all your victories and leave you to explore the Hall Of Fame room. There in the back will be an exit that will lead you to the Neon Town. There, it is said that you will be able to catch Togepi, Pikablu and Mew. But this cheat is not really known and we arent sure if it is a fact either. (The Century Net staff is puzzled about this cheat)
Hohou- Hohou is believed to be the golden bird. Many sites have even claimed Hohou to be the 4th legendary bird. Many methods of sighting a Hohou in the red and blue versions are displayed through out many sites, but as we figured: all of the methods were false. (This cheat is known to be false and highly exaggerated)
Togepi- Togepi is believed to be a rare and delicate Pokemon. However it can not be found in any of the Gameboy versions excluding the Gold and Silver versions. (This cheat is known to be highly exaggerated)