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Fun Facts

Welcome to Century Net's Fun Facts site. This site will explain why some Pokemon are named what they are. This site has been made by bored Century Net staff. LOL. We hope you enjoy. Thank you for visiting. We hope you will return once again

Ekans-ekans backwards is snake

Arbok-arbok backwards is kobra

Hitmochan-Chan is for Jackie Chan

Hitmonlee-Lee is for Bruce Lee

Snorlax-snolax minus lax is equal to snor

Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur-the saur indicates that all 3 are dinosaurs

Clefairy-fairy stands for a fairy tale

Clefable-fable stands for a short story that teaches a lesson

Meowth-a cat purrs: meow

Abra,Kadabra,Alakazam-sounds like magic to me

Slowpoke,Slowbro-both are slow physically and mentally

Drowzee-drowsy stands for sleepy

Hypno-hypno plus tize is equal to hypnotize

Koffing-to cough

Weezing-a side effect

Vaporeon-v is for vapor

Jolteon-j is for jolt

Flareon-f is for flare

Jynx-jinx means something that causes bad luck

Aerodactyl-an extinct dinosaur

Goldeen-a goldfish

Seaking-the king of seas