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Our Goal

"Our goal is to have knowledge that anything and anyone whether rich or poor, young or old, male or female, begginer or expert, can have the power and courage to rise among others and be at their highest potential" Anonymous

"One day it is said that the powerless will stand out amongs the powerful and then be bowed from them" Anonymous

"Even the littlest of things can cause a nation in awe as can the largest cause a nation dissappointment and dislike torwards them" Anonymous

Our goal are plain and simple. We want to prove to all sites that even the most unfamed sites will one day become known by almost all. This is one reason that this site was created. We want all sites to know that even if your affiliation you asked for is rejected, then please dont feel bad. Century Net will gladly take any site as their affiliates and all who ask will be accepted and will be added to either the friend link page, our affiliate list or our featured affiliate list. For all those know it all webmasters, well a word of advice. You were once unfamous as well as unknown. You should treat all sites as you want to be treated. be fair and understanding and dont be selfish enough to refuse an affiliate. Help them out a little and maybe theyll become good enough to become your true affiliate. Also rememeber that one day, sooner or later, youll be shocked at where Century Net will stand, and then youll see at where you stand and youll start to think about Century Nets message. Well expect the unexpected. Believe the unbelieved and change the impossible to possible. Century Net gladly dedicates this page to all sites out there. We would like to announce that if you would want your site to be linked onto our friend link or so, then just e mail Century Net staff. For all those sites who are ranked 400 in Pokemon Village or or less, you are qualified to join our affiliate list. For all those who are 200 or less in Pokemon Village, you are qualified to join our featured affiliate list. And for all those with no rank or with a rank or 400 or less in Pokemon Village, you are qualified to join our friend link. Plus if we really want to help out your site, youll probably end up in our affiliate list. You can do all this just by e mailing Century Net staff at their official e mail address at Oh and if any famous and well known sites want to still affiliate, also e mail us and well think about it as well. Thank you so much for all your support to Century Net. This visit really means alot