To gain infinite items (You will run into either "M" or "Missingno or even a Level 100+ pokemon while doing so. The code will only work if you run into "M") go to Viridian City and talk to the old man who wouldn't let you pass at the beginning of the game. Say no to his question and watch him catch a pokemon. Put the item you want duplicated to have around 130 of into the 6th slot in your items area and Fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side to the right so it looks like you are half on land, half on water and continue up and down until a pokemon attacks you. Whatever it is, run from it or battle it, but make sure if it is powerful that you have a strong pokemon yourself so yours do not faint. Go back on land and look at your items. The amount should look glitched out. This trick is extremly useful to use on Rare Candies or Master Balls but it will mess up your game so use at your own risk.