well well, i have a lot to say about why i started this ring, so if you must go to the bathroom, go now. i tend to take time before i actually get to the point.
now it has occured to me that mister gordon doesnt seem to dislike this contact with the fans. i have deducted this from interviews and live shots. so i figured maybe other people have touched *him*. so there, a ring was born.
still alive? excellent, now you can move on.
first of all, it is the result of me being a little too excited after coming back from snow jam [a outdoor concert thing] in which orgy performed. now i dont often have the chance to go to concerts and see bands i actually enjoy. this was turning out to be just like every other concert. until orgy came on. now i had the worst orgy phase ever about a year before, i adored them. i still liked them [and still do now] so i decided to push and try to get to the front so i could actually see something. it worked rather well, i was on the center-right two bodies away from the gate holding the crowd back. they played about ten songs the only ones i could identify [having i terrible memory and plus, the sound wasnt exactly great especially not when standing directly in front of the speaker like myself] were stiches, blue monday, gender and social ennemies. jay was being himself as a performer tall, cute and aggressive. he hugged paige several times while he was playing and kissed him once on the cheek, he did the same with ryan. ryan, was interacting a lot with our side with his laser equiped guitar. anyhow, for blue monday, jay asked [more like ordered actually] the crowd to sing along. i was singing my loungs out [dont ask why, i dont normally do that] and all of a sudden he comes down from the stage and starts walking in front of where i was standing and just bounces on the gate and leans over us. sensing a once in a life time opportunity, i extend my arm and place my hand onto his beautful tummy. he was wearing a leather shirt, it felt nice... he half-smirked at me between two lines :) i was happy.